Sculpture today

Sculpture today.

What are people tweeting about Sculpture today.

deemevm Tierra Been working a Lot these days, busy and overcharged, but happy and growing, we Made this sculpture today, i Will bring content for the Twitter fam, cheers up Visualll tttrA doing things
art_life_you Paris Contemplating #Louvre museum sculpture today. Here is The Psyche and Cupid by Antonio Canova - a masterpiece of neoclassical sculpture. It depicts the mythological tale of the mortal Psyche and the god of love, Cupid, and their forbidden love. #canova #sculpture #psyche Art from me to you
MlLLUKl he/ae/muse ; 17 . had to take my cufflinks off to roll up my sleeves during sculpture today and i left them next to my stuff but when i got my stuff and went to put them back on they were gone aaha . :: un jour je serai de retour près de toi
Grand_design0 Canada @Culture_Crit I think the premise of this post is disingenuous. There is absolutely astounding talent and artists today. What makes these sculptures so valued is partly their age. Were an artist to replicate this sculpture today they would not receive a fraction of the praise Objective thinker, Crypto, Politics
sfcphdrn Atlanta, GA Thank you Mark King for this sculpture. Today we distributed naloxone in Atlanta, meeting people where they are. This sculpture gives me peace. The reality of the opioid epidemic can be crushing. But when we work together, and make connections with others we find hope. Harm Reduction Nurse Scientist. Postdoc fellow @emorynursing. Serve alongside @AtlantaHarm
Part_Mermaid Staying At Home @kazzydoodah Exciting! I’m getting a garden sculpture today and I couldn’t be more excited about it! We must be middle aged?? 😂 International Woman of Mystery. Photographer and wanderer.
TarukaSrivastav United Kingdom / India Lucknow has always been a centre of art and culture and looking forward to this solo show of miniature sculpture today at @lebuaHotels #art #sculpture #handicraft #culture #Lucknow @uptourismgov I | Ex- @UNICEF @manutd #HWC2018 #FIFAU17WC|Own- @play_knox|Words- @wef @forbes_india @TheDrum |ASIAN GAMES PLAYER|@BritishCouncil GREATScholar
mfaboston Boston, MA The Museum is closed today, April 17, for Patriots’ Day. Best of luck to all of this year's #BostonMarathon runners—including our own Courtney Harris, Assistant Curator of Decorative Arts and Sculpture in Art of Europe 🏃‍♀️ Go, Courtney, go! 🎉 Open to infinite possibilities inspired by art, together we’re creating a community where all belong. 📷 #mfaBoston
AngelitaDelar10 I completed a sculpture of Persephone today! It was fun to create and I'm really happy with the result. Rookie G 💎💎💎
FrancoiseNaudet Paris PM Showers today! With a high of 19 C and a low of 14 C. #art #sculpture #naudet Françoise Naudet (1928-2008) est un sculpteur français. Elle fut Présidente des artistes français pour la section #sculpture. #art #culture #artist #sculptor
jewishsculpture Today is the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel. My sculpture, "Anne Frank At The Wall In Jerusalem" joins together two symbolic remnants of the Holocaust: Anne Frank and the return of the Jewish people to Israel (Anne pasted a picture of Jerusalem on her attic wall). Marble sculptures commemorating the Holocaust.
AqdasAfzal Karachi, Pakistan Today’s visit to @brooklynmuseum was very interesting. I would be remiss to not share pic of this sculpture that symbolizes a death duel between Theseus, who symbolizes democracy and minotaur, the “hybrid monster.” Program Director/Economics Professor. @FulbrightPrgrm Scholar. @OnlineAfit Prize Winner. Op-Ed @dawn_com & @TFT_ Senior Fellow @PIDEpk.
madcollegelib Wisconsin Today’s featured unique item comes from the @madisoncollege Watertown campus. This gorgeous crane sculpture greets students and helps them study. #NationalLibraryWeek The Madison College Libraries organize and manage free access for students and staff to knowledge to support the teaching and learning processes of the College
weXploretravel Christmas Island Street Art, sculpture or murals they all play a part in the identity and story of a place. Engaging in the story of the art gives great insight to what once drove a place or what the place is today. #seeaustralia #streetart 1/Port Fairy 2/Jan Juc 3/Apollo Bay 4/Beech Forest #Photographer / #Blogger who loves #travel & prefers getting lost to being found. Take the kids they’ll thankyou later. All images & video captured on iPhone.
stopbatten Boulder, CO The bronze sculpture of Mila is done. Two years of working with the artist to capture Mila's spirit and gently help the confused part inside of me understand that this wouldn't bring her back... Mila fought hard against Batten disease, a rare fatal condition with no cure. Her story is now giving new hope to millions with genetic disease.
deemevm Tierra Been working a Lot these days, busy and overcharged, but happy and growing, we Made this sculpture today, i Will bring content for the Twitter fam, cheers up Visualll tttrA doing things
shahziasikander Manhattan, NY Happening today in the park at 25th and 5th ave entrance near the sculpture Pioneer of Neo-Miniature, launched it with “The Scroll”1990. 1st Female hired @NCAOfficials 1992 to expand Contemporary Miniature for youth #Macfellow @macfound
Always_clicking Northern NJ Period 5 Students received their clay figures today and need to figure out a storyboard. Sculpture class (Period 9) created figures and Final Cut Pro is creating the stop animation. @doverhsnj @AppleEDU Teacher, Father, Husband, Photographer, Videographer, Camper, Hiker, Skiier, Boater, Coach
BeckYear2 Sheffield Today Y2's have had their sculpture outcome. The children designed and made creatures that could survive in particular habitats. Follow us to keep up to date with everything happening in Year 2 @BeckSchool This term we are learning 'Where will the sea take us?'
TaylorHerringUK London, England Working alongside our client partners Mars, today we unveiled a life-size bust of King Charles III made entirely from Celebrations chocolates.   The sculpture, created to celebrate the Coronation, took four weeks to create and weighs over 23kg. Making brands famous through creativity, smart thinking & innovation ★ UK’s most awarded PR agency ★ enquiries to @itsjamesherring
Mavimatt1 Treviso, Veneto Today we are officially proud to introduce you our new #masterpiece PORIFERA Sculpture-Table. This italian work of #Art & #Design is developed by our experts craftsmen and his design is inspired by the organic shapes of sea #sponge. Here you can see it in the exclusive Galvanic… We design and manufacture Italian handcrafted masterpieces. We ship worldwide. Follow us on INSTAGRAM 👉🏻
FishtailTuba255 Close Today marks the day my art classes paper mache word pun sculpture was due, and while I came nowhere near finishing (everyone else has a layer or 2 of newspaper and is painted) this is probably the most fun I've ever had making something I can call my own Hand to elbow for scale Average wannabe Minecraft sweat. Emphasis on the wannabe. but the grind stops for no man.
MissCEdu Glasgow, Scotland Today P6 @ClydePrimary had a fantastic trip to the @GlasgowGoMA . We travelled by @ScotRail train from Yoker Station to Glasgow Central and got our steps in! Then we enjoyed a clay sculpture making workshop at the GOMA. So much creativity and fun! #ClydeIDL Principal Teacher, Clyde Primary. Interested in raising attainment in Numeracy, Inclusion, mentoring probationers and Developing the Young Workforce.
TheAstanaTimes Kazakhstan Celebrating 30 years of strong diplomatic ties between #Kazakhstan and the #Netherlands, a Tulip sculpture was unveiled today at the Botanical Garden in the capital. #Astana #Kazakhstan's premier English language newspaper. Est. Nov. 2010. #news, #politics, #business, #culture, #sports, #kz. Updated daily online.
TheAstanaTimes Kazakhstan Celebrating 30 years of strong diplomatic ties between #Kazakhstan and the #Netherlands, a Tulip sculpture was unveiled today at the Botanical Garden in the capital. #Astana #Kazakhstan's premier English language newspaper. Est. Nov. 2010. #news, #politics, #business, #culture, #sports, #kz. Updated daily online.
FrancoiseNaudet Paris AM Showers today! With a high of 14 C and a low of 8 C. #art #sculpture #naudet Françoise Naudet (1928-2008) est un sculpteur français. Elle fut Présidente des artistes français pour la section #sculpture. #art #culture #artist #sculptor
GiftedMrsGuzman San Antonio, TX Today @NISDBernal the 6th and 7th grade @NISDGTAA students began making their found object art robot sculptures from recycled materials. #foundobjectart #sculpture #robots #education Educator, life long learner, gifted person, gifted and talented specialist, teacher of teachers
iconawrites Bristol, England @bugsandfishes That chocolate sculpture is really uncanny and the best thing I have seen today. Fiction writer. Here to remind the internet of the joys of whimsy and literature.
liane_stern Today, the world's largest cheese sculpture was unveiled in Wisconsin. If you're looking for something equally impressive, download TEMU and use my code <112526985> for up to $20 in cash rewards. #Consensus2023 @consensus2023 TV Show Host // Chef // Owner of Fly EM Out Catering
NapierPhilip Dublin Very good to be at our external examiner Monica Bonvicinis' exhibition at the Neu National Gallery today. Great to have her engaged with our NCAD Media and Sculpture & Expanded Practice Departments Head of Fine Art @NCAD_Dublin & artist. All tweets are my own.
Kareka_nft sold 2 items today. character sultan and monalisa voxel sculpture. thank you for vanoutch.tez on @objktcom ❤❤❤ voxel only in minted 1/1 all edition for each 3D (360° view) character on @objktcom - all kareka_nft items are open for bidding. (action figure/statue digital)
LAlupusLady usually Los Angeles. California is represented on Capitol Hill today… in front of Calder Sculpture - the art of #LupusAdvocacy with @LADAOrg and @LupusOrg #Lupus patient advocate #LupusWithSlime raising #LupusAwareness with a @healthevoices Impact Fund project grant.
LeeToml67962932 @Orangesweetnes Afternoon Katie. Happy Tuesday matey. Gone for some cool black &blue Vans today. Gotta mix it up. Can't believe how I stumbled across you on here! I follow Lily Black, and you commented on some plaster wall dick sculpture! I was on there somewhere...😆 Hiya. I'm Lee. I love films, Muppets and all manner of tunes. Have a fun day!!
HeinzRudolf155 @IanMillett1 @BryanMatthews23 @scastaldi9 @DelficaW @_die_Uta_ @catyalesson @StellaAmato4 @carmelitequotes @LRonLacy @GoProFun @anne_camozzi @kh_hildreth @ScottDorian4 @Caos0189 @GreenbayMary @LouXer5 @RitangelaPrivi1 🌿 Thank you Ian for your famous #Sculpture of #Rodin and the backgroundinformation. Georg Kaiser, German writer, published honoring the brave people "Die Bürger von Calais". Today, right back at you another #Sculpture Max Ernst, Capricorn 📸 in Max Ernstmuseum, Brühl 🇩🇪 PhD A'dam +Utrecht #FBPE 🇪🇺 @funder @donwinslow @joncoopertweets @girlsreallyrule @glennkirschner2 @mmpadellan 🇳🇱Amsterdam🇩🇪 Bonn 🇨🇭Basel
gornajurjarjar Good morning fam, 😃❤️‍🔥… did I show you this?👇🏻.. it’s an sculpture made with letters …one of the first artworks I made and one of the first to be part f a museum collection… long time ago… Today I feel nostalgic 🥹 I make art with code and blockchain. NFTs are my thing. Follow me for creative inspiration and tips on how to make your own digital art!
xOdarbiOx Australia Went to a town art sculpture exhibition today. It’s a few days before it starts so no people. Took 350 pictures. Will be posting them on ig and discord and some videos on tiktok/YouTube over the next few days so keep your eyes peeled for them. Amazing work from the creators. 🔨Randomness is the uniqueness of life or something something ¿?¿? 🇦🇺 🌶 🚩I am not your therapist.. seek professional help, not my Dms.
FrancoiseNaudet Paris Cloudy today! With a high of 13 C and a low of 6 C. #art #sculpture #naudet Françoise Naudet (1928-2008) est un sculpteur français. Elle fut Présidente des artistes français pour la section #sculpture. #art #culture #artist #sculptor
gruevy Brigham City, UT @JAEbberts To me, I'm looking for the next High Art, the new Bernini sculpture or Verdi opera, etc. But all those things fit into a specific time and place and could only have happened then and there. I don't know what a new dawn of creative genius at that level would look like today. Aspiring disciple of Christ, black metal enthusiast, amateur opera singer, Utahan indie fantasy author #18575484
JustinC56542390 @EW @ChrisEvans Tall prick of steel sculpture fell and broke the caretakers calf before it was in park from airport gateway with des Moines register USA today daily gannet two laws of difference airport one in my home road past commerce interstate Booneville road biggest hill white brick ranch
ALMartinezART New Braunfels, TX These wonderful Crazy Teapots were packed and transported today to CLHS to get fired 🤗 Thank you so much @NellAnd01630252 #CLHSArt for helping @memorial_echs start their sculpture program, to include ceramics ♥️ @comalfinearts #arted #ceramics BFA & MS Art Education: Art Advocate, Artist, Nature Lover, Yogi, Swimmer, World Traveler, & MECHS AP/DC Art History Teacher
PeabodyInstLib Peabody, MA This week on #museumpassmonday, we are featuring our Trustees of Reservations with deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum. Fun for the whole family. Call today to reserve your discounted pass. #peabodyinstitutelibrary #decordova #trusteesofthereservations The public library of Peabody, MA. Supporting Your Story. 82 Main Street | 603 Lowell Street | 78 Lynn Street 978-531-0100 |
JakeSnakeDDT Atlanta, GA Have you picked up your one of a kind sculpture yet at @SiNNbODHi designed them and I’m signing them all. Get it today! #AEW #AEWAllIn #AEWDark For booking
dadsrights Chicago, IL Today is Richard Hunt Day in #Illinois, with First Lady MK Pritzker to read the proclamation tonight in Springfield. Congratulations to this prolific and admired sculptor. #Sculpture #Art #Fathers #LevingGallery Named one of “America’s Best Lawyers” - Forbes Radio™, author of: Fathers’ Rights, Divorce Wars and How to Be A Good Divorced Dad.
art_life_you Paris Contemplating #Louvre museum sculpture today. Here is The Psyche and Cupid by Antonio Canova - a masterpiece of neoclassical sculpture. It depicts the mythological tale of the mortal Psyche and the god of love, Cupid, and their forbidden love. #canova #sculpture #psyche Art from me to you
mylnhurstEYFS Ecclesall, Sheffield Today we have been using our fine motor skills to experiment with clay. We have moulded 3D shapes & made some sculptures. The children used some lovely adjectives whilst talking about texture and what happens when the clay dries #S11 #Nursery #sheffieldissuper #clay #sculpture Mylnhurst Early Years Centre providing an outstanding start for your child in a happy, inspiring, nurturing environment. Rated excellent in 2022 ISI inspection.
ImaginationLdn London, England What do you think of our facilitators, Nadeem and Helen’s Balancing ‘Me’ Sculpture⁉️ Today KS1 & KS2 children and their fantastic teachers created sculptures that showcased what makes us unique! Using #science, #DT, #artanddesign, as well as creativity and imagination🤩🙌😁 A charity creating space to re-imagine our world, together. Follow for all things imagination & info about the work we do for schools, communities and families.
hello_ouchhh Ouchhh Ouchhh created "AI Whispers of the Ancients: A Synthesis of Science, Art, and AI in the Reimagining of Petra's Legacy" AI Data Sculpture in PETRA ✨ TODAY ✨✨ #Giordania #petra #petrajordan #PetraLightFestival #turismo #visitjordan @VisitJordan @ReasonedArt @andreivisuals OUCHHH is an award-winning independent New Media Studio with AI, data sculpture/painting, Art, Science, and Technology.
MyUsefulContent Internet Sculpting is a timeless tradition that continues to captivate and inspire people today. From Michelangelo to Anish Kapoor, sculptors have pushed the boundaries of the art form. #Sculpture #Art #Tradition Discover a goldmine of life-enhancing gems!🚀 Dive into our curated collection of top-notch articles and tips,transform your world. Curated by @yunusemrevrgn 🌐
TodayIsTheDate Australia Interesting for #Today - Interesting cute Australian Ecidna sculpture to show the interaction between animals and plants, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. There are also ant sculptures and ant hole - ants (insects) and plants are part of their diet Things that did, are and will happen on today's date.
Holiday__Today Holidays and Observances for April 24, 2023 (Part 1): 🌎 International • Coronation Day of Pope Benedict XVI • International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace • Scream Day • International Sculpture Day Holiday Today!

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