Windows of Cahors . . On

Windows of Cahors . . On the route to Amazing of LAnge du Lazaret

Un calamite


Dragged the parts into the back yard to assemble. Wanted some space and to have a nice backdrop of wildflowers.

Bolting up the supports to their respective parts. There are three layers to the design: a center core that defines the unshadowed portions of the balls and the cup and mirrored layers, front and back, that represent the shadowed parts. I didnt get shots of the process, but the shadow layers were chemically blackened for contrast.

If we forget about the politics for a moment (I know, it's hard - bear with me for this single toot), and focus on aesthetics, did ChatGPT design this Are there no unionist/loyalist sculptors who could make more of this, so that those who delight in the partition of Ireland could find get something out of looking at this

The North is held up by a small pedestal and also a big pedestal. Is this a metaphor

Checking the fit of the supports. Its perfect, btw the chief reason I do everything in CAD first. No waste, no fuss.

Interactions with Water by Gemma Coyle and the Yoker Community. I pass this sculpture quite regularly as I drive along Dumbarton Road in Glasgow, and it always raises a smile. There's just something I find quite charming about it, possibly the rather cute hedgehogs!

These are the supports that hold the whole shebang upright. They get covered by soil and mulch, doing their work in secret.

The huge majority of my labor on this was surface prep. The faces all need sanding and each hole needs to have any sharp edges or burrs removed. Hundreds of holes, cleaned up by hand.

For context, this was the design in CAD that was awarded the contract. The project came about through a percent-for-art requirement attached to the Citys remodeling of the 70 year old course clubhouse.

Update on the Ace! sculptures Im fabricating for the municipal course in my home town of Loveland, Colorado. After some delays due to miscommunication, I picked up a giant stack of laser-cut stainless steel.

There are a couple of weird random statues next to one of the grills behind my building.

I'm just going to think of them as guardian spirits

The Multidisciplinary Artistry of Zeynep Alpay

Rachel Whiteread.

Been having a proper action packed blast of a time back at School. With my buddy Jacob Wilcox we are assisting Jen Elek and Jeremy Bert teach a making neon signs. Here are some photos from the opening night demo- the hearts and bent and pumped in half a day. Jeremy is teaching the neon and wiring while Jen covers the frame and pattern drawing.

Ontem, antes da chuva comear e nunca mais parar, eu brinquei um pouco na areia

Yesterday, before the rain started and never stopped, I played in the sand for a while

decided to create a new center for businesses at the port.
Exploration Tower was the first part of that a self-contained of a ships , conference space, a gift shop, and museum.
The large, white, metal sail-like addition to the top of the helps complete the look.

Get a print or other merchandise at

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Vermont Art

Dancing business suits, a handbag with legs, and contorted vehicles are just a few of the uncanny scenes visitors to Yorkshire Sculpture Park will encounter.

nel 1918 la scultrice tedesca ( 2010)

Dama con cappello, 1970

Ceramic sculpture by Danish artist Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen, 2020s.

Worlds within worlds emerge from the kaleidoscopic visions of Canadian artist Chris Millar, whose meticulous sculptures encompass a range of materials, mechanisms, and sound.

I've always loved the quality of this Glasgow Coat of Arms on the front of Saint Andrew's Parish Church (and with the building datung fron the mid 1700s, it must be one of the oldest in the city), but what's with the troll at the bottom

William Caxton and Johannes Gutenberg look out over the city from the facade of the former Glasgow Herald building on Buchanan Street. They were sculpted by John Mossman and were erected in 1879.

"Hommage an Macke" - Stephan Balkenhol
Hofgartenwiese, Bonn

Black and white detail of the magnificent "The Spirit of Haida Gwaii, the Jade Canoe" of British Columbia Haida artist Bill Reid. It is on permanent display at Vancouver International Airport.

More London / Scale Model

I once built a Claw Machine but I sort of took liberties with that name...

This one is amusing to me.

J'ai commenc un crapaud hier soir

Exactly one week ago, I was at taking this shot.

If you ever get the chance, go visit. It's a wonderful place.

/ 16mm / f/2.8 / 1 sec / ISO 500

Wave sculpture by Lucy Glendinning

This is the bound bunny with tangent-point repulsion on the curves. It got to 200k vertices which ground the solver to a halt.

Sound II , by Antony Gormley. In the crypt of Winchester Cathedral, Hampshire, England. August 2023.

:cg: Les quatre derniers jours d'exposition et de vie de cette galerie ont commenc. Dimanche, elle fermera dfinitivement ses portes. Peut-tre passerez-vous par l

Antennae spring from the crown of a grasshopper, and an alert expression characterizes a cacomixtles beady eyes in George Rodriguezs ongoing Mexican Zodiac series.

It's Thursday, so here's a throwback to my Sleaford Mods sculpts, together with some process pics (tho please excuse the horrible Insta filters!)

It's a pretty fragile piece (too many elements) so I couldn't sell it, so they're still keeping me company in the studio

Hashtag list:

Love these relief sculptures on the 1890s Savoy Centre on Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow. Carved on the spandrels between Roman arch windows by William Birnie Rhind, they're remarkably expressive and fluid.

This sculpture reminds me of the title credits of a James Bond film. But instead of a man with a gun at the centre of the optical vortex, we have the much nicer prospect of verdant nature.
Don't look at it for too long though, or you might get sucked in...

British plate