While at the Gas Filling Tube

While at the Gas Filling Tube Suckers in I was able to fill this Double Rainbow Zizzle Zazzle I bent at Museum Of Neon Art in . It's the first "bend and wrap" sequence that has ever survived. There is a combo bend and a wrap alternating between each of the 7 Italian in this . It makes a nice cool white glow, is about 8 inches in the largest direction and is for in the Pacific Northwest.

Made it back to my buddy Galen's place in and his GFTS studio to finish up this and help him with a thing or two. Plenty of wires! It's now in a good state of done, double boxed and headed to a show at the Nicolayson Museum in Casper, . I gotta get some plans together and go to the opening in September!
Always fun seeing and hanging with Galen and other Seattle/ Tacoma . here I come!

Intricate Folded Paper Artworks by Joo Charrua

Moments in Play by

I have a new favourite lion in Glasgow's architecture and it's this one from the keystone of an arch on the Norwich Union Chambers at 125 Saint Vincent Street. I just love that piercing stare and the motion of the roar which has been captured by the sculptor.

Somebody please tell Stan Bitters hes made the big time in the corner of Nordstroms lingerie department.

one of the models of Frdric-Auguste Bartholdi's 'Liberty' that was produced and sold to fund the building of the larger monument, 1875 , and a photograph of M. Bartholdi taken in 1880

Alice Zanin

Tango de souvenirs colors

Sheila Hicks, La Sentinelle de Safran, 2018.

Steve McCurry, Monks Praying at Golden Rock, Kyaiktiyo, Myanmar, 1994, Agence Magnum.

Une mini de

"La vraie beaut de l'art, c'est qu'il rvle l'me." George Bernard Shaw
Sculpture "La petite chtelaine", 1896, Camille Claudel

Theres lots of clay goodness over at my store, including this little lot here

Hashtag list:

> Ort ohne Heimweh < Ausstellung von Thomas Gerhards + Anja Kreysing + Werner Rckemann in der Zeitbogen-Galerie Oxford - Kaserne Mnster, Roxeler Str 340
Dauer: 5.8. - 17.9. 2023
In den Abendstunden sehr gut von auen hr- und sichtbar!

Sculpture by Chicago-based Danish artist Anders Ruhwald, 2010s-20s.

River Cut Tide / Paul Mason
Marble sculpture of 2002.


Et voil la bte !

Silure glane, chne et if boniss, socle en vigne, finition huile de lin et thrbentine. Les barbillons sont en fil de fer.

Fish and Chinese

nel 1653 muore lo scultore carrarese si forma nella bottega del Bernini che lascia nel 1629

Busto di Maria Cerri Capranica, 1640

Some morning light on last night's cherry wood spirit

Play time.

Working on 'hidden potential', a sculpture all about light. A new medium to me. Loving the endless experimentation.

upstate bus tour diary: important details only (part 3)

Du bout de bois au silure

(Description de la vido : ma main qui tient un bout de chne brut, puis un silure dgrossi, puis le mme aprs ajout des nageoires, puis une fois ponc, puis aprs noircissage du bois, puis une vue du poisson mont et huil. Il est anthracite vein de beige, un peu brillant, les barbillons sont en fil de fer)

Untitled, 1960 by Zdzisaw Beksiski

L'Arcone di Piazza della Repubblica a Firenze. l'immagine migliore che abbia mai visto per osservare la scultura delle Tre Grazie. Questo gruppo scultoreo venne smantellato, si deterior molto velocemente nel 1905.
The Archway of Piazza della Repubblica in Florence. It is the best image I have ever seen to observe the sculpture of the Three Graces.


The Basilica Cistern in Istanbul is an ancient underground water reservoir. 100s of carved columns support the roof of the cistern creating a dramatic & moody atmosphere. Dimly lit, unusual stone sculptures reflect across the still water.

The ART:

Go big or go foam

"Infinite realities are simulated, each branching off from the others based on the decisions made by their inhabitants."
The words echo around Zak, forming a strange tapestry of disconnected thoughts.


Don't miss the next episode of The Visitors: or read the full story at

I love these Green Men carvings which are all over James Miller's 1904 Underground Station in Saint Enoch Square in Glasgow. They're one of those things which always makes me smile when I pass them.

at in

Honored to be added to the Women United Artist Directory Included in the directory are the biographies, artist statements, and select photos of many super talented artists that I am super excited to be associated with.

sculpture from Borneo of amythological figure, date unknown

Art in the glade.

Le vous a plu il a maintenant un petit frre

An (almost) Kulchural run. But definitely artistic.

12k from Stonehaven, a pub(!) lunch and a slightly slower amble back (we were not driving). The steel sculptures along the waterside are great. This is a small selection.


"street sculpture"

dog sketch