When in London in March, I

When in London in March, I went to the Donatello exhibition at the V&A. I rarely take pictures of paintings since one can rarely add anything. But sculptures are different. And so I took some pictures.

What do think of the provenance of this 18th century decorative figure

"about 1920 - 1988
Private Collection (Paris, France)
offered for sale but withdrawn, Nouveau Drouot, Paris, April 2, 1981, no. 61

Jean-Luc Chalmin (Paris, France)
sold to the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1988."


Love this decorative carving under a tenement oriel window on Saracen Street in Glasgow. I've seen flowers and plants carved on such supports elsewhere, but never such wonderful creatures.


Gatiabecedario :cate:

Had to go to the plumbing supply market to get some parts to fix a leaky faucet and found this little guy at one of the stalls

Design Milk : Beautiful Glitches: Jacob Hashimotos New Kite Works

Clay heart formed from love
Her hands wrapt rapture sculpting
The lake's golden ore

September 19, 2023

Plantas nicas que parecen partes del cuerpo humano.

Bergen, Norway y la naturaleza vuelve a sorprender.

L'exposition Hey! Cramique.s (Halle Saint Pierre) ouvrira demain !

Neptune and Ceres above the entrance to 177 Trongate in Glasgow. Dating from 1925, the sculptor is unknown, but the quality is fantastic.

Sioux Falls had a Sculpture Walk downtown where around 60 pieces at art were installed. This one was my favorite! Its called Den Mother by Christine Knapp.

Warped sculptures suspend novels, guidebooks, and other print objects in borax crystals in recent work by Alexis Arnold.

Until A.D. 3183, this public sculpture is a work in progress

Un pendentif

Beautiful Sand Sculpture!!!

When the night is far from over but you already had one too many.  You have one very tipsy and happy fox asking for another round. Someone please help this critter stay out of trouble! XD

Kannikgrden, , . Ceramic bas-reliefs depicting the early telephone industry.

The painter, sculptor, and draftsman Fernando Botero died on Sept 15, 2023.

Flor y gatos que mezcla bestial.

La naturaleza haciendo increbles obras de arte.

bust of Hercules by Lucas Faydherbe (1619)

George and the Dragon, Saint George's Cross Glasgow.

Sculpted by C.B. Grassby for J and G Mossman in 1897, it originally adorned the St George's Cross Cooperative Society building. When the building was demolished in the 1980s, the statue was saved and donated to the people of Glasgow. Somewhere along the way, Saint George has lost his lance.

Monday moss and miniature mushrooms in a magic land.

Through the Eyes of the Beholder by Wade Clement at Art in the Orchard in Easthampton
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Carved Ibstock brick panels. 1986 by Walter Ritchie. Bristol Eye Hospital, Lower Maudlin Street. Photo: 13.01.2006.

Now gravity can be manipulated at will. Matter and energy dance in harmonious patterns, and time flows in unpredictable loops. It is a realm where the laws of physics are an art form.


Don't miss the next episode of The Visitors: or read the full story at

Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: this fabulous portrait head, from ancient Egypt. it's in the Gulbenkian Museum, Lisbon.

Carved Ibstock brick panel. 1986 by Walter Ritchie. Bristol Eye Hospital, Lower Maudlin Street. Photo: 13.01.2006.

ATM 2023

J'ai aid clairer un peu ses sculptures ce soir !
N'hsitez pas venir les voir si vous tes dans les parages !

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