This is a rare Saxon carving

Beaucoup de queue au Grand Palais non merci, pas d'attente pour entrer en face, au muse des Beaux Arts de Paris, dans le Petit Palais. Accs gratuit, salles richement fournies en uvres. Seule une salle de l'exposition temporaire d'art urbain (qui s'achve dans quelques jours) tait un peu trop remplie mon got.
Le problme de frquentation concerne surtout cette mode de faire des photos de chaque uvre, une une, sans tre vraiment l , sans vraiment regarder, et surtout sans se soucier dautrui.
Le site est vraiment superbe et mrite vraiment quelques heures d'attention.
Bonne fin de semaine toutes et tous !
PS : cette fresque murale est de Ferdinand Humbert (peinte en 1913). Je n'ai pas trouv son titre.
#photo #MyWork #TravailPerso #MuseDesBeauxArtsDeParis #expo #muse #exposition #PetitPalais #Art #peinture #sculpture #Paris #Culture

This is a rare Saxon carving of the Mother and Child. It can be found in St John the Baptist Church, at Inglesham, near Swindon. Until 1910, it lived outside, and was once used as a sundial - the hole for the gnomon, and cuts to mark the hours can be seen at the bottom left.

An artist works on a snow sculpture during the Harbin international snow sculpture contest in Heilongjiang province, Harbin,

Photograph: Andy Wong/AP

moment of kinetic sculpture fail

in real life:

Cest sur les conseils de (injonction) que je viens me joindre vous.
Je mappelle Depierre et je suis sculpteur (Il est ailleurs Depierre )
Parfois, daucuns mappellent Gandalf cause des facties de (il crit en ligne et lil l : )
Je suis essentiellement modeleur et prfre le travail du mtal, je ralise des sculptures monumentales en cuivre martel et des petites sculptures en bronze que je vous prsenterai de temps en temps.


Vite ! L'exposition Simone Fattal (Louvre) se terminera lundi 27 janvier !

Nicole McLaughlin draws upon the rich traditions of historically domestic crafts to reconsider their roles today, merging ceramics and textiles into elegant, cascading wall sculptures.


That time I went too far according to Sir Google

Mermaids on the front of the former Dennistoun Baths Club on Craigpark in the East End of Glasgow. The baths opened in 1884 as a private members swimming and bathing club, and closed in 1983 before becoming a snooker club.

En parallle de mes travaux de couture, je continue d'avancer sur mon serpent de mer.
Pour info, l'original intitul "le Serpent Ocan" est une sculpture (monumentale!) ralise par l'artiste chinois Huang Yong Ping et installe au nord de Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (Loire Atlantique) sur la plage du Nez de Chien.

NYT Architecture : Soft and Seditious, Claes Oldenburg & Coosje van Bruggen Take Manhattan (Manhattan,NY) (Manhattan,NY) ,Coosje ,Claes

Bientt la mise jour des expositions et uvres de 2024 sur le site Documents d'Artistes Nouvelle Aquitaine Stay tuned :-)

The magnificent Purpur cat with the big face and green-tipped tail dreams of a push-pop lift.
Wood, acrylic paint, wire 17.25 x 4.75 x 4.75 in (43.8 x 12 x 12 cm) March 2024

Four must-see artworks at the Asia Pacific Triennial
By Yasmin Jeffery

This year's Triennial features works from more than 70 artists and collectives from over 30 countries across virtually every medium, technique and use of material. These four pieces are not to be missed.

Casuarina Pods

Les sculptures architecturales sur des pierres et des dos danimaux de Song Kang

No council, police station or rubbish pick-up: Life in Australia's Wild West
By Georgia Hitch

With no local council or police station and one road in and out, you can understand why locals think this town is one of the "last frontiers".

A design exercise in the free Unbound SDF 3D modeler and game editor.
I used Unbound's Splats function to achieve the stylized look of the platform.

Some creation stages of my angry little dragon.

See other posts in this thread for more images and info.

A design exercise in the free Unbound SDF 3D modeler and game editor.

I used Unbound's Splats function to achieve the stylized look of the platform.

Dr Evermor's Forevertron is a huge, steampunk-like sculpture housed in Dr Evermor's Art Park, Sumpter, Wisconsin. The 300-ton structure is composed of scrap metal, two Thomas Edison dynamos from the 1880s, high-voltage components from 1920s power stations, parts from the nearby Badger Army Ammunition Plant, and a decontamination chamber from the Apollo 11 space mission. Dr Evermor was, apparently, a Victorian inventor who created the Forevertron to launch himself "into the heavens on a lightning magnetic force beam." The structure also includes a teahouse gazebo and a giant telescope from "where sceptics might observe the ascent." The Forevertron was actually the work of Tom Every, a demolition expert who spent years collecting antique machinery for his sculptures. The Art Park also boasts sculptures with titles like the Celestial Listening Ear and the Overlord Master Control Tower.

I study nature and a lot of these forms come from observing plants, Ruth Asawa said. I really look at nature, and I just do it as I see it. I draw something on paper. And then I am able to take a wire line and go into the air and define the air without stealing it from anyone.

Sculpture by American artist Cathy Lu, 2020s, whose practice "manipulates traditional Chinese art objects and symbols as a way to deconstruct the assumptions we have about Asian American identity and cultural authenticity."

Unbound critter progress. Time to have a bite to eat now. I mean for me, not for him. He probably eats large, slimy insects.

More updates will follow.

Unbound critter update.

More'll follow in this thread.

This ansible is coming back for repairs. The collector's son decided it was time to play with it in a not so good way. Will be fun to time travel with it and revisit something I made nearly 10yrs ago.

Finally started creating something in Unbound again. It's been a while since my last Unbound scene.

I'll post updates in this thread. See other posts in this thread for more about Unbound.

on the in

the impossible iii / maria martins. 1946


#art #arte #MariaMartins #sculpture #scultura

'Frei sein' mit 'le Dfi' von am

Darf ich vorstellen: Die Drei Schwtzer aus Gieen
Sie sind die wohl geselligste Runde der Stadt und stehen immer bereit fr einen Plausch. Perfekte Gesprchspartner und ein beliebtes Wahrzeichen, das Gieen seinen besonderen Charme verleiht.

Look at this big kitty! He has wings! He's on a cart with a sign that says "Don't Touch!" But I want to touch him! He's so colorful!

Oversized mascara tubes, razors, rings, perfume bottles, and droopy flowers resemble the familiar surface of a cluttered vanity or overcrowded bathroom countertop in Annie Duncan's ceramic assemblages.

Literature by Thomas John Clapperton on the top of Glasgow's Mitchell Library reflected in the glass facade of a nearby modern building.

There's a new release of the free Unbound SDF 3D modeler and game editor. From now on it's publicly available via their site (no more Discord detour).

Video showing new features:


Mark di Suvero is in his 90s now. I just gush over his work. It is often not very photogenic, but that was never his goal. It's experiential art, kinetically, interactively. If you ever get the chance to engage it, this is one of my all-time favorites, not just of his work but of any ever:

Mark di Suvero. She, 1978.

Alors, trs grosse affluence pour une belle et sublime exposition au , Paris. Quelques quarante uvres de la en rsidence temporaire dans un htel particulier parisien dj lui-mme bien charg d'Art.
C'est prolong jusqu'au 9 fvrier 2025 et les entres se font (fort heureusement) par crneaux horaires. L'application du muse qui sert d'audioguide est pour une fois trs bien fichue.
#photo #MyWork #TravailPerso #GallerieBorghse #Borghse #muse #exposition #MuseJacquemartAndr #Art #peinture #sculpture #Paris #Culture

New South Wales