"The constant interplay between art and

"The constant interplay between art and nature is soothing, like watching waves crash onto a beach or the wind whip trees into a dance. I could feel myself shedding the stresses of a busy week. A couple more hours of this and I could leave them behind in the long grass like a discarded snakeskin."

Some new writing about art, nature and a Herefordshire gallery with a remarkable story:

<-- ON AIR

Two down, two to go!


Picasso, Giacometti and Bruce Nauman, three artists who redefined sculpture, to be shown together for first time in London

Muse la Piscine de Roubaix - Mai 2024 - Visite en photos du magnifique muse de Roubaix


Two views of a sculpture called "Ana and Leo Go For A Walk", by Andrew Sinclair. Shown in the SWA display associated with Delamore Arts 2024

Two views of a sculpture called "Ana and Leo Go For A Walk", by Andrew Sinclair. Shown in the SWA display associated with Delamore Arts 2024

Portrait sculpture work-in-progress stages.
Sculpted in Blender.
View the final rendering here:

Portrait of an imaginary person.
Sculpted and rendered in Blender (Cycles renderer).

Blender portrait sculpture work-in-progress stages.

I decided to sculpt this guy as a single mesh, instead of the usual blocking out with separate primitives. Then I separated the shirt once that was sufficiently shaped.

View the final rendering here:

Portrait of an imaginary person.

Sculpted and rendered in Blender (Cycles renderer).

See the other posts in this thread for work-in-progress impressions.

Happy 1,911th anniversary, Trajans Column! The History Blog

Before the first figure of the spiral frieze that winds around his entire height was carved, the column was already a marvel of engineering. Twenty drums of white marble, each 12 feet in diameter and weighing 32 tons, had to be quarried from Carrara, transported over land, sea and river to Rome and stacked on top of each other more than 98 feet high in the Forum of Trajan.

Baya, icne de la peinture algrienne

Algrie, le fabuleux destin de Baya
Elle a connu Camus lge de 15 ans, sympathis avec Picasso 16 ans, et ses toiles sont connues dans le monde entier.

'I want people to love my creation': Patricia Piccinini on her mythical hybrid sculptures
By Virginia Trioli

The often-divisive artist shares why her work is driven by a fascination for the frontiers of science and its potential and her fears of what we're doing to the world.


'I want people to love my creation': Patricia Piccinini on her mythical hybrid sculptures
By Virginia Trioli

The often-divisive artist shares why her work is driven by a fascination for the frontiers of science and its potential and her fears of what we're doing to the world.

I love this rather wonderful creature which features on the fireplace in the boardroom of the former Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company on Govan Road in Glasgow. It's now home to the Fairfield Heritage Museum.

Thuh latest piece..

'Silo' a light sculpture with a cathedral-like structure. The main body of this table/desk lamp has a transitional surface composed from an arrangement of multiple geometric shapes. Recessed surfaces and open voids between the three main ribs guide light right out of Silos hart.

Now at ThuhShop ->

Another find in my new neighborhood in . A near the River that I don't know what it's supposed to represent and whether it's there intentionally. It may also be buried and there is a monumental sculpture hidden underground. alpha7 II with 35mm f2.8 analog lens.

Tara Donovan layers 200,000 CDs into twisting totems of physical data.

A variety of sculptures are arranged in a stonehenge-like fashion at the Screaming Heads sculpture garden on Midlothian Road in Ontario on a bright sunny late summer morning.

Ce "Couple Trs Soud" est parti rejoindre le Territoire de Belfort pour des 50 ans de mariage... Bon anniversaire Martine et Jean-Marie !
Merci Franoise-les-doigts-de-fe pour la confiance, et pour la ralisation de la cravate et du collier !

L'exposition Zadkine (Muse Zadkine) ouvrira demain !

I do not know the significance of these faces, but I thought that they were intriguing! They might represent former Irish politicians. Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)

At least someone's Mom. On Mothers' Day 2024 I found gardens of sculptures and decorations filling 3 home lots in central Phoenix, AZ. Earlier I shared an iPhone shot of a side yard and this is one of the sculptures I was able to see inside the side yard. By Don Russell, an extraordinary Outsider Artist who doesn't sell his work. He just buys more homes there to be able to work on them and store them while his renters enjoy the atmosphere.

Polymer Heads: Abstract Sculptures by Salman Khoshroo

Tikis de la isla de Nuku Hiva, en las islas Marquesas de la Polinesia Francesa, en un edificio comunal tradicional (tohua). Estn tallados en toba volcnica roja, considerada sagrada, y representaban a ancestros como jefes y sacerdotes importantes. La cabeza era la fuente del man, por lo que se representaba grande para mostrar su valor.

DesignBoom : wim delvoye intertwines historic museum artifacts with his whimsical sculptures in geneva

Dcouvrez l'imagination sans limites de Brian Mock travers ses sculptures mtalliques. Chacune raconte une histoire unique avec des pices de mtal recycles, offrant une nouvelle vie des objets oublis.

Whilst facing renewed accusations of , the announced that it had been the victim of actual from someone on the inside

In the garden of Jizo

Kiyomizu-Dera Temple, Kyoto

: Lock No. 1 Top Lock
: lock
: Photo by PangolinOne on Flickr

This piece of art was tiny, and you had to go really close to see it... Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)

of the dragon #2023

Recent photos:

I got to bend something out of the studio at Urbanglass just for fun with some scraps. This is so fast to make when a pattern is not involved. A little uneven. I wonder if a hybrid, description, length (circumference) pattern could be made with measurements cut down the middle

I wanna make a sphere. The spring is pretty fun. Kinda busy with work lately.

Mastodon users - you can only see 4 photos, so if you want to check out the other 6, click through to the original post. :pixelfed:

Nello & Patrasche taking a nap in Handschoenmarkt, Antwerp.

online degrees