Started a new modeling experiment I

Started a new modeling experiment I want to try and create a semi-realistic character in my favorite 3D editor: , by .

It's going to be a bit of a challenge, because every detail needs to be added, subtracted or intersected using primitive shapes, as opposed to 3D sculpting, where you can freely brush details in a clay-like manner.

So if this doesn't get follow-up posts, I will have failed miserably.

Shadowed Serpent in the Night A Sculpture Refined by Glenn Ligon

The presence of a slithering reptile breathes intricacy into Glenn Ligon's skilled craftsmanship as he diligently manipulates sculpture techniques under the guise of the moon
See More Seeds:

-Ligon -artist -design -techniques -serpent

Recurring themes in my work

Check out this photograph / digital artwork that would look great framed and hanging on your wall in your home or office or produced on a variety of products.

Classic architecture of a sculpture in Budapest, the Capital city of Hungary.

Check out this photograph / digital artwork that would look great framed and hanging on your wall in your home or office or produced on a variety of products.

Classic architecture of a building in Budapest, the Capital city of Hungary.

Check out this photograph / digital artwork that would look great framed and hanging on your wall in your home or office or produced on a variety of products.

Classic architecture of a Synagogue building in Budapest, the Capital city of Hungary.


Check out this photograph / digital artwork that would look great framed and hanging on your wall in your home or office or produced on a variety of products.

Classic architecture of a building in Budapest, the Capital city of Hungary.

Check out this photograph / digital artwork that would look great framed and hanging on your wall in your home or office or produced on a variety of products.

Classic architecture featuring a sculpture / statue on the wall of a building in Budapest, the Capital city of Hungary.


Mir /

PetitPalais Trs novateur, Pablo Gargallo invente en plus de sa plus traditionnelle, une faon trs particulire de rendre compte du plein. Il propose le vide devenu ainsi compltement arien

My sculpture made in Paris is poised to judge my limited skills on the piano.

A test setup of the crackle tubes I made for Daniel Tepper. These are neat to make and simple in a strange way.

I learned that they should be run on separate transformers when together light this. I left the red and emerald tubes on together like this on one transformer for a few hours and they got hot and eventually the electricity took a shortcut straight through the walls of the glass so I remade them.

Im learning too :)

El Canto by Elizabeth Catlett
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Acrylic on Wood Artworks by Boy Kong

A Critical Eye

A Critical Eye - 2024 Robert N. Clinton (aka CyberShutterbug)


Work in progress

Ook Santa Long Neck is op een gruwelijke manier onder handen genomen Santa Long Neck was also treated in a gruesome way.
Paul McCarthy in

"Foggy wake in a desert" by Fujiko Nakaya in the NGA sculpture garden...

Superbe photo : flicitations!
En complment, un recueil numrique gratuit sur ladmirable et trs populaire exposition rtrospective David Altmejd - Flux .
Plusieurs livres sur cet artiste dorigine qubcoise peuvent tre consults la Bibliothque des arts de lUQM (mtro Berri-UQAM).

Maman quokka

Speaking of childhood clay creations, this was my first clay sculpture, made when I was 6.

See if you can guess what animal this is. I'll give you a hint: it's not a pig.

L'Oeil de David Altmejd

Speaking about the Labyrinth and Ariadne's string, here is a sculpture of mine, titled

The last dance of Minotaur

made about 30 years ago. Height 25cm, 6mm welded rebar and rust.

07.02.2023 Pyramids

shipping to new homes this morning.

Vite ! L'exposition Archipel (Muse franais de la carte jouer) se terminera dimanche 11 fvrier !

So much great art in Franschhoek

Hrcules arquero, de mile Bourdelle FOTOGRARTE

DesignBoom : joshua smiths intricate miniature sculptures depict urban decay across the world

A little thread 5/5

Inspiring drawings by David Semple (three-eyed monster), Chad Townsend (drone robot) and Tyson Murphy (horned demon), and my 3D interpretations.

A little thread 4/5

Inspiring drawings by Alan Stewart (Megaman and Yoshi) and Matt Kaufenberg (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle), and my 3D interpretations.

A little thread 3/5

Inspiring drawings by Andrew Kolb (Mario), Mark Christiansen (dog) and Ido Yehimovitz (robot), and my 3D interpretations.

A little thread 2/5

Inspiring drawings by Dom Murphy (dragon), Kevin keele (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle) and Jordan Koch (thumbs up crocodile), and my 3D interpretations.

A little thread 1/5

Inspiring drawings by Mark Christiansen (Donald), Paul Gill (Ice cream monster) and Maxim Kalyakin (nerdy professor), and my 3D interpretations.

I like an interesting piece of street furniture, and this modernist-style head, from Prague, is just the ticket.
I've no idea if it has any purpose, but it's very striking.

As it's his 265th birthday, I thought I'd take the opportunity to re-post this photo of F.W. Pomeroy's beautiful 1895 statue of the great man from Fountain Gardens in Paisley. If you choose to partake, enjoy your haggis, neeps and tatties!

The by Anna Gillespie
on the

A little video of the xenon and Blacklight tubes for Daniel Tepper. Forbidden Palestine Colors. The Blacklight crackle is a little brighter than I thought it would be. The xenon is neat. If you shake the tube the powders settle and the paths move when the glass adjusts. The powders brighten it.

These both look kinda dim next to the red and the green.

The xenon sure is fun to have!

I got to use my cheap-O ZVS driver induction heater today. Been making some crackle tubes for an artist named Daniel Tepper. The crackle tubes are fun, real lighting in a bottle. I heat them with a weak, gentle transformer and use the induction heater help heat the electrodes (Activating a getter and helpful alkali coating).

I think I will make some more of this classic special effect

Charles Darwin University Art Gallery