So thats how they wear pants

So thats how they wear pants

R.I.P. Fernando Botero. I loved seeing his paintings and sculptures all over Medelln, Colombia.

Colombian artist, Fernando Botero, has passed away:


RIP Fernando Botero. Always one of my favorites.

"Je peins femmes, hommes, animaux, paysages,avec le seul souci de donner une sensualit la forme, alors que la ralit est assez sche. Un artiste doit tre un homme sensuel capable de transmettre cette qualit qui rend la ralit plus sduisante"

Home: Spectacular Flamingo Installation by Matthew Mazzotta


Personally, I hope he's prosecuted, found guilty, and ordered to pay damages.

Kristen Visbal




Once dusk has given way to true darkness, the majestic dominate the Scottish sky.

You can find the previous shot in this series here:

Object #3 2023

National Center for the Performing Arts, Beijing, China. May 2014, iPhone 5s.

National Center for the Performing Arts, Beijing, China. May 2014, iPhone 5s.

Un pendentif noisette, qui reprsente un coin o se reposer au calme, berc par les ronrons et les chants d'oiseau

Je ne sais pas si je vais le porter. J'ai un peu peur de l'abmer, surtout avec ma tendance mchouiller mes pendentifs sculptures

More parameter fiddling.

30,000 lbs of willow, 100 volunteers, and create a stunning structure in in this called Sea Change.

Learn more:

, ()

12 Sep 2023

DX 35 mm 1.8G

Genevan Psalter: Psalm XXIII

Description in ALT tag


Religion by Johan Keller. This statue was commissioned in 1898 as one of a set of seated figures depicting different aspects of society, for the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in the west end of Glasgow. Other figures include the Arts, Science and Commerce.

Woman & Fish / 2023
Bronze in Millwall Park, Isle of Dogs.

Artist: / + (Sculpture) in - City: Place de Nations, (UN Building) Switzerland - Title: "Broken chair" (Art against weapons) - for:

Mini lapin et poti renard

Apparently they shipped this granite in from China... yet I'm pretty sure we have granite in the UK.

Renard du soir

, French Reformed Church

12 Sep 2023

DX 35 mm 1.8G

Genevan : II

Feedback welcome

I decorated our lockbox to set it apart from other lockboxes for houseguests coming to watch Chirpy. Also, here are some photos of Chirpy.

Going for the best Lockbox on the block. One shot paint is amazing- I'm gonna start using this stuff more! I want a pin striper brush! I like the idea of hotrodded objects- Custom stuff! It could probably use some bedazzling )

, Reformed

12 Sep 2023

DX 35 mm 1.8G

Sigur Rs: Untitled No. 4

Feedback welcome

Bonjour !

Je suis la recherche d'une photographie de bonne qualit du Christ en robe de l'glise Saint-Pierre Riec-sur-Blon (Finistre). Il est plac au-dessus du matre-autel.

Si vous avez a sous la main (ou une piste pour la trouver), cela m'aiderait beaucoup !


Omoplata 254 in Ivy Green Paper 20 x 23 x 1

Memorial to the Unknown Volunteer Nurse, Loukia Georganti, marble, 1972.
Absolute surprise gem tucked away near the Hippocrateon General Hospital of Athens.

More info (in Greek, Google Translate can help).

E ficou assim

And that's how it is now

Another one... a geometry oriented baroclinicity model I dreamed up trying to figure out the standard one.

Ok, messing around with vortex sheets, for a bit. This is what got me started in moving meshes and my programming chops are a bit better... I need to come up with a way to move the camera a bit better...

reference paper here:

Miami Beach

Another cherry face wood spirit as usual. I'm very bored with myself at the moment and my imagination is in the bin so this is all we get.

Kjeld Moseholm

Keld Moseholm Jrgensen




> Ort ohne Heimweh < Ausstellung von Thomas Gerhards + Anja Kreysing + Werner Rckemann in der Zeitbogen-Galerie Oxford - Kaserne Mnster, Roxeler Str 340
best view: Abends / Nachts.
Meldet Euch gerne fr eine Fhrung!

Sculpture by Amsterdam-based Estonian artist Katja Novitskova, 2010s-20s, whose work explores connections between biology and technology, at times employing algorithms in their development.

Really looking forward to this, and to be featured alongside Carlo Massari, Madame Nielsen, and Halvcirkel. With considerable thanks to Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare.

Something new: Pattern Language by Maya Erdelyi.

I love how it looks with James Murray's guardian pole sculpture. It's like they're talking to each other.

Record and Discuss your Dreams