More Andy Goldsworthy

More Andy Goldsworthy

His work is just so beautiful. Magical.
I'd love to happen upon one of his works.

His work at the North Pole!

View & detail of Ridin the Rails to Rockland sculpture by Jay Sawyer (JBONE). Sandy Beach, Rockland, Maine


Horse head sculpture

Showcasing sculpture from around the world.

Allgorie de la mditation, at the cathdrale Saint-Louis in . Created in 1660 by the famous 17th century sculptor Louis Lerambert.

Street art installation, McKinley Ave, Sunnyvale, California.

Even the ancient cultures had their own version of winnie the pooh...

Taken this day, 2022, all roads lead to Rome!

Svetlana Kondakova's Roman Legionary sculpture on the Antonine Wall, still guarding the northern frontier of the Empire

Chinese sculptor Johnson Tsang seems to bend reality with his work. Its quite mesmerizing.

More than captivating, though, his art captures his interpretations of anxiety and coping mechanisms. Its mental health playing with physics.


Une de , en htre chauff comme le crapaud

Great place the Sussex Prairie Gardens but this sculpture bears a curious resemblance to Vladimr Putin.

Countless astonished faces emerge from driftwood in expressive sculptures by Marc Bourlier.

C'est tout vert

Lhomme des Adrets
by Nicola Rosini di Santi

This life-size artwork adorns a roundabout in the Var, between Lake Saint-Cassien and the highway entrance.

When driving by theres no spot to stop and look at it. Yesterday I bicycled and could stop and look at it.

I find the ensemble so harmonious.
I personally would have removed the three wavy lines at the bottom left.

Id wear a small version as a pendant.

Persistent Resistance. Brick Lane.

One of the ornately carved zodiac-themed column capitals on the Sun Life Building on West George Street in Glasgow. Not too sure what the faces are all about, but I think they're Green Men.

sculptor Billy Gauthier shows the he carved from a 600 lb bone, and explains what connections inspired him.

Ginninderry bushwalk sculptures


head of a woman with a veil, Cypriot, c.400-310 BC

: s of , , , 26 Aug 2023

, DX 35 mm 1.8G

Ive got my eye on you.

Ceramic sculpture made by my partner.

I made a little sculpt just for fun today. Used the new basemesh shipped with . It is a really great jumpstarter. Then added some details, posed with the pose brush etc...

Windows of Cahors . . On the route to Amazing of LAnge du Lazaret

Un calamite

Dragged the parts into the back yard to assemble. Wanted some space and to have a nice backdrop of wildflowers.

Bolting up the supports to their respective parts. There are three layers to the design: a center core that defines the unshadowed portions of the balls and the cup and mirrored layers, front and back, that represent the shadowed parts. I didnt get shots of the process, but the shadow layers were chemically blackened for contrast.

If we forget about the politics for a moment (I know, it's hard - bear with me for this single toot), and focus on aesthetics, did ChatGPT design this Are there no unionist/loyalist sculptors who could make more of this, so that those who delight in the partition of Ireland could get something out of looking at this

The North is held up by a small pedestal and also a big pedestal. Is this a metaphor

Checking the fit of the supports. Its perfect, btw the chief reason I do everything in CAD first. No waste, no fuss.

Interactions with Water by Gemma Coyle and the Yoker Community. I pass this sculpture quite regularly as I drive along Dumbarton Road in Glasgow, and it always raises a smile. There's just something I find quite charming about it, possibly the rather cute hedgehogs!

These are the supports that hold the whole shebang upright. They get covered by soil and mulch, doing their work in secret.

The huge majority of my labor on this was surface prep. The faces all need sanding and each hole needs to have any sharp edges or burrs removed. Hundreds of holes, cleaned up by hand.

For context, this was the design in CAD that was awarded the contract. The project came about through a percent-for-art requirement attached to the Citys remodeling of the 70 year old course clubhouse.

Update on the Ace! sculptures Im fabricating for the municipal course in my home town of Loveland, Colorado. After some delays due to miscommunication, I picked up a giant stack of laser-cut stainless steel.

There are a couple of weird random statues next to one of the grills behind my building.

I'm just going to think of them as guardian spirits

The Multidisciplinary Artistry of Zeynep Alpay

Rachel Whiteread.

Been having a proper action packed blast of a time back at School. With my buddy Jacob Wilcox we are assisting Jen Elek and Jeremy Bert teach a making neon signs. Here are some photos from the opening night demo- the hearts and bent and pumped in half a day. Jeremy is teaching the neon and wiring while Jen covers the frame and pattern drawing.

Ontem, antes da chuva comear e nunca mais parar, eu brinquei um pouco na areia

Yesterday, before the rain started and never stopped, I played in the sand for a while

New Zealand wills