Miracle de Nol, le morceau de bois "embrass" par la grenouille s'est transform en prince charmant
Coderch & Malavia
My 2008 Xmas greeting illustration.
Sadly, the environmental prospects havent gotten better since then.
Sculpture ShowcaseHenri Matisse Starfish
Scarpyro museum
Design Milk : The 6 Most Intriguing Sculptures at Art Basel Miami 2024
Biondi. Saturnalia, 1899.
The original bronze is in Rome. A copy of a few years later is in Buenos Aires.
'Tis the season. This lifesize 10-statue group was so scandalous at the time that it caused moral outrage and transatlantic lawsuits. There are great close-up photos on the blog linked below. The "wow" here comes with complications: backreading history, warning of decline, class divisions, hypocrisy, orientalism, and the Christian legacy of Christmas.
Fried eggs 2023
L'exposition Maillol - Lpertz (Muse Maillol) est en cours !
Rome is on my mind.
And sometimes I absolutely adore my neighborhood.
Bonjour! Pour dbuter cette journe, un souvenir de 2008 lorsque l'artiste Arne Quinze avait install dans le quartier Louise Bruxelles sa sculpture "Cityscape".
Good morning! To start this new day, a picture from 2008 showing the sculpture "Cityscape" by Arne Quinze which was installed in the Louise district in Brussels.
Une grenouille
L'art comestible prend vie avec le Mukimono de Gaku ! Dcouvrez les incroyables sculptures sur fruits, lgumes, et autres aliments ralises par cet artiste japonais. Avec une prcision incroyable, Gaku transforme des ingrdients ordinaires en vritables chefs-d'uvre phmres.
Admirez ces crations fascinantes :
Mukimono: les incroyables sculptures de fruits, lgumes et autres de Gaku
De nouvelles sculptures de fruits et lgumes par Takehiro Kishimoto
It tastes better with bread 2024
Celebrating the Bicentennial with a sculpture of a Sacrificial Lamb. 1976. #1976
Logo design for a multi-part crime story in a Dutch magazine, made in the early-to-mid-2000s.Logo design for a multi-part crime story in a Dutch magazine, made in the early-to-mid-2000s.
Part of my "Srie Noir."
Here's a collection of photos of the Ouroboros, a sculpture recently installed at the National Gallery of Australia.
5. Here's a collection of photos of the Ouroboros, a sculpture recently installed at the National Gallery of Australia.
4. Here's a collection of photos of the Ouroboros, a sculpture recently installed at the National Gallery of Australia.
3. Here's a collection of photos of the Ouroboros, a sculpture recently installed at the National Gallery of Australia.
2. Here's a collection of photos of the Ouroboros, a sculpture recently installed at the National Gallery of Australia.
1. Here's a collection of photos of the Ouroboros, a sculpture recently installed at the National Gallery of Australia.
An ornate figurative column capital on John Burnet's 1870s Glasgow Stock Exchange building on Buchanan Street in Glasgow. These are thought to have been created by John Mossman.
Metallic Marvels: Gorgeous Sculptures by Carlo Borer
Ouroboros at midnight. Art looking absolutely splendid in nature at the National Gallery of Australia.
Les visages de porcelaine de Johnson Tsang : entre ralisme saisissant et surralisme onirique, ces sculptures captivent par leur mlange de dlicatesse et d'imaginaire. Un art qui transcende la matire pour raconter des motions profondes.
Dcouvrez l'univers de cet artiste incroyable ici :
Quelques nouveaux visages de porcelaine surralistes par Johnson Tsang
Duck Girl
Les stupfiantes sculptures de savons de Daniele Barresi
jsem skoro pemlel, jak by se tenhle "hafek" vyjmal na stolku u postele...
I recently visited the wonderful Georgia OKeeffe and Henry Moore show at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. I will definitely see it again before it closes January 20.
Tahle soka ibise nm pila fakt roztomil