Loved these wooden sculptures over at

Loved these wooden sculptures over at the English Landing in , MO. I love all the little details and woodland creatures. The Cardinal, owl, robin, raccoon, turtle, even a little bee, dragonfly and snail. So cute. The eagle sculpture has been there for a while but love it, also.

In two major exhibitions, Yinka Shonibare CBE RA celebrates African aesthetics and cultural hybridity.

Door de neus en de littekens wordt 'Jack' grimmig Through the nose and scars, 'Jack' turns grim.
Paul McCarthy in

I love these carved corbels supporting oriel windows on a row of Glasgow tenements on Shaw Street in Govan. Such carved corbels are not unusual on the city's tenements, but these ones are in a class of their own. Bee hives generally relate to industry, owls with knowledge, and I presume the shell and fish signify the sea.

I'll let you in on a secret. Those sculptures you see in museums - so cold, so silent, so stone - also feel. Sometimes they fall in love with a visitor and whisper sweet words that no one else can hear.

Desire moves the world.

Herbert List (Naples, 1961)

Silent Autumn / 2023
Toms Saraceno Frieze Sculpture exhibition, Regent's Park

Tepe : le mystrieux site archologique livre la plus ancienne peinte de l'humanit

I was sad to not see 'Fishing Man' of last time I was there. So here's an old photo.

- Vertical, Old Memory. by Mark Jenkins

Deuxime pendentif rat de bibliothque, avec un perroquet

'Galina VIII' by Gerald Laing (1976)


En dambulant dans le village abandonn de Cldat, on peut visiblement rencontrer ici ou l des sculptures poses en pleine nature, comme celle-ci de Michel Kirsch.

Dominant la valle de la Corrze naissante presque 800 mtres daltitude, Cldat et ses quelques chaumires, chapelle et maisons ruines sont parpilles au milieu de blocs rocheux comme surgis de terre, quelque part au milieu de nulle part et hors du temps pour toujours.

En 1901, Cldat compte encore 37 habitants mais son isolement et lloignement des voies de communication le condamnent inexorablement. Las, sans lectricit, eau courante et tlphone, les derniers habitants labandonnent en 1963.

Le village est aujourdhui entretenu par une association de bnvoles qui en a fait un ple touristique et culturel qui se visite gratuitement toute lanne. Outre les dizaines de sculptures parpilles () des panneaux explicatifs racontent lhistoire du village, et une exposition de vieux outils de labour est visible dans les ruines dune ancienne grange.

#sculpture #NoMuseum #village #Corrze #Cldat

Extrait du blog  Arsenic et Vieilles Enseignes  :

Famous faces.


L'exposition Chagall luvre (Centre Pompidou) ouvrira mercredi 4 !

Mes parents sont situs prs de Nemours (sud du 77).
Voici deux exemples de moules existants : Mortal Kombat et Dinosaure de Disney.
J'ai demand la liste exhaustive des moules disponibles et je la publierai quand elle sera disponible.

Hest Bank

Mothership / Zak Ov
2023 Frieze Sculpture exhibition, Regent's Park

I made a short video of the process for making my TJ the Blue jay sculpture with a few extras thrown in.

You can watch it here:

Progress continues on what I think will be an awe-inspiring monument and sculpture but I'm skeptical that it will be finished in my lifetime. Still, the remarkable man emerges from the granite a bit at a time.

Renard du soir

Nice. Reminds me of this NASA photo from the planet Mars:
Appears like a human statue made of stone. Could it be "Mars Thinker"

Good morning,

This is

Pendentif "rat de bibliothque"

Emile Bourdelle
Herakles the Archer (1909)

at the Muse dOrsay

Emile Bourdelle (1905)

at the Muse dOrsay

nel 1973 muore lo scultore italiano

La danzatrice col cerchio, anni 20

Vulcan by Eduardo Paolozzi at Edinburgh Park

Vulcan by Eduardo Paolozzi at Edinburgh Park

Lokapala Vaisravana and Vajrapani, Longmen Grottoes (672 to 676)

Well, don't say these early sites in SE won't offer a surprise anymore.

From comes now, with yet another new , some variation of familiar .

Via (in Turkish):

Waking Matter / 2023
by Amy Stephens (b.1981, London)

Carin Grudda - Zebra Allein auf weiter Flur ,

, No. 9, ,

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I love this bird tucked away round the back of the Renfield Saint Stephen's Church on Bath Street. I wonder how many people pass it every day as they walk along Holland Street and don't even realise it's there.

Sculptor Thomas Dambo has completed his project of installing ten trolls made from upcycled material in 100 days across the US with these final two in Seattle and Vashon Island.

A mom and child, both set in stone:
His gaze is turned away, alone.
Do you see a heart to heart
or two lives that start to grow apart

Info in ALT tag

The Stone Chariot is a shrine in the form of a chariot in Hampi, India

Aguste Rodin

The Imperia statue is located at the harbor entrance of Konstanz, Germany. It commemorates the Council of Constance, which took place in the city between 1414 and 1418.

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