Life imitates art.

Some pics around Uptown Cleveland. Shot in May 2023.

Life imitates art.

From a melted ice cream truck to a sleek shell with legs, more than 100 public artworks populate the walk from Bondi to Tanarama beaches near Sydney for the spectacular 'Sculpture by the Sea.'

El Peine del Viento (Wind Comb), San Sebastin,

Dcouvrez l'univers fascinant de Gilbert Legrand qui donne vie des objets du quotidien travers des sculptures incroyables ! Un art unique explorer sur

Happy 2023, Sculpture By The Sea, Bondi 2023

Sculpture By The Sea, Bondi 2023

Jochen Guinand, Kaufungen - Jetzt - Ars Natura

Eine aus Eichenholz gefertigte Figur springt durch einen Stahlrahmen.

Die Skulptur steht in unmittelbarer Nhe der :
, No. 6, No. 10,

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I've been a fan of Wharton Esherick after discovering his house on a PBS documentary, Craft in America (33 minutes in):

The museum (his house):

A documentary from a few years ago:

It's a dream of mine to build like he did some day.

Showcasing sculpture from around the world.

Love the detail on the grave monument for the theatre impresario John Henry Alexander in the Glasgow Necropolis, especially the rather wind-blown foliate green man. I'm not too sure if the cherub is meant to be headless, but I doubt it.

Today I checked out Hank Willis Thomas and Coby Kennedy's "REACH," an in O'Hare International . The enormous hands are suspended 34 ft. off the ground and measure 27 x 31 ft.!

Pere Lachaise

Design Milk : Solid Lightning: Ugo Rondinones Stunning New Sculpture

A rather fun piece of art - a cockerell made from cutlery, by Ed Hill.

I stumbled upon this along the riverfront during my early morning walk.

It brighten my heart - and I hope it does the same for you in these troubled, trying times.

OK, here's the whole thing together. Going to stitch 6 of these together for a submission to little group show. Not sure how to display the sequence, probably just s monitor or something. I have notes, but I think it will look out pretty nice, looping the day away.

The fish.

A favorite in at Newfields museum of . This is in a cubby at the bottom of the stairs in the Lilly mansion basement! Lit for .

Just finished making this guy in Blender, all rigged and ready to animate!

Appartements, Rolex, le train de vie du sculpteur Richard Orlinski pingl par le fisc

Alors quil est lobjet dune enqute judiciaire pour fraude fiscale, lartiste tente dchapper deux redressements fiscaux pour un total dpassant un demi-million deuros. Il vient de perdre un recours devant le Conseil dtat.

Relief sculpture on the front of the former Southern District Fire Station on Wallace Street in Glasgow. This building was designed by A.B. MacDonald and was built in the 1910s.

Jeudi 2 novembre prochain Paris aura lieu une confrence sur l'ouverture du tombeau des ducs de Bretagne, Franois II et Marguerite de Foix. Aujourd'hui prsent dans la cathdrale de Nantes, le tombeau est en cours de restauration. La confrence prsentera les procds et tapes de cette prochaine ouverture. Cela s'annonce passionnant !

A ghoul, completed in time for Halloween.
Inspired by 2D artwork by Tooth Wu.
Work-In-Progress images and info can be found in my Ko-fi:

My sculptures are perfect for the easily-bored art enthusiast because these pieces can often be repositioned for a fresh new look. I should know because I switch up their positions all the time in my own house .

Creepy horror warning

A ghoul, completed in time for Halloween.

Inspired by 2D artwork by Tooth Wu.

Work-In-Progress images and info can be found in my Ko-fi:

You can't beat a bit of Bully!
(For those of you who remember the phrase! )

The iconic giant bull from the 2022 Commonwealth Games, now on permanent display at Birmingham New Street station.

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by PinoFalcone and Art by Artist: in Loc.: Italy - Title: "The Travellers"-

J'aime beaucoup le concept et la dmarche de cet artiste qui met en volume des sujets de gravures mdiavales et effectue un travail de documentation dans le but de rendre son interprtation la plus fidle possible l'original.

a favourite from number 22 titled Colony.

Big Hypnosis by Erwin Wurm

Made My Much Needed Website Finally

This Website Documents all forms of my Work from last 10 years

If you find this !! Lemme know what you think

claim that 's Buchanan House (purpose built in the 1960s as British Scottish Region HQ) is 'structurally damaged' and want to replace it with a 21 storey block of flats. It's on the site of the former Buchanan Street , and features a distinctive rail inspired , "Locomotion", which is C listed- which I hope won't be damaged

DesignBoom : danica o. kus captures antony gormleys crawling, crouching sculptures at muse rodin .kus

Meryl Streep and Don Gummer Living Separately for Approximately Six Years: Report: Meryl Streep and Don Gummer have reportedly been living separately for six years, raising questions about their marriage. Streep was previously in a relationship with John Cazale.

sculpture, Olmec, c.1000 BC-600 BC

Garden at Muse Rodin.

Lart comme thrapie. Sculpter, peindre, dessiner, pour se librer et pour se soigner aussi. Depuis mi-octobre au Fort Barraux, des artistes blesss psychiquement par la guerre, exposent leurs uvres.

I made a couple of bowl / sculptures from resin and some interesting fabrics and alcohol inks. What do you think
