L'exposition Chana Orloff (Muse Zadkine) ouvrira

L'exposition Chana Orloff (Muse Zadkine) ouvrira demain !

L'exposition Chana Orloff (Muse Zadkine) ouvrira demain !

Showcasing sculpture from around the world.

Another fascinating episode of the "The of ," diving down the history hole of artists, in the 1970s, and that famous brass bull .

I was unsatisfied with how handles were resolving, and I found a solution using quadrics... but then I happened upon another implicit form which is even better,The Darboux Cyclide. The Darboux Cyclide is like a super torus...

I have quite a bit more to learn, but it turns out least squared fitting of the Cyclide worked very similarly to fitting a quadric!

Another piece by my clever friend - a combined diver/coral. Video of 18 seconds duration.

DesignBoom : studio jobs sculptures add a whimsical touch to mikas apocalypse calypso music video

Carving on the Harold Washington Public Library in the Loop, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The text is Chicago's official motto "Urbs in Horto" (A City in the Garden").
Photo taken on 15 August 2023.

In a retrospective on view now in Atlanta, Sonya Clark uses common fibers like paper, hair, and flags to weave craft, community, and activism together.


A 78m long, twisting aluminium sculpture called Slipstream. Created by Richard Wilson RA, the sculptures form is inspired by the imagined flight path of a small stunt plane through the entrance lobby of Heathrows Terminal 2.

Un petit monde magique pour mini mimi animaux

In 2010, I made this assemblage sculpture of steampunk inspiration from reused materials.

Rare Earth

Tony Cragg exhibition at National Museum of Contemporary Art - Museu do Chiado (MNAC) Lisbon has a wonderful range of archaeological related elements, from anthropocene archaeology assemblages of found plastic to the (re)presentation of modified objects in multiple sculptural ways.

Design Milk : DDW23: New Order of Fashion Is Empowering Regenerative Design +Fashion -friendly

Buildings, a hand sculpture called Judys Hand, Peter B. Lewis Building, and a field by the Cleveland Institute of Music.

statue of Hera, early 1st century AD Roman copy of a Greek original from the early 4th century BC

Une rencontre sur la sculpture du bois vert se tiendra le dimanche 19 novembre (2023) :

La rencontre sera anime par En Compagnie Des Copeaux ( ) qui a une solide exprience dans le .

Des nouvelles de la Grisette des Faubourgs

Cela faisait deux ans que je navais pas pris la Grisette en photo, alors jai profit de bruncher avec des amis dans le coin pour passer limmortaliser une fois de plus (une onzime fois priori sur ce modeste carnet). Elle est toujours aussi jolie mais moins fringante quil y a quelques temps, jai limpression quelle aurait besoin dun bon nettoyage en profondeur !!

Larticle Wikipdia propos des grisettes, et donc celle de 1830 sculpte l par Jean-Bernard Descomps en 1909, est assez tonnant et loquent dans sa description sociale du phnomne.

Le mot grisette dsignait avec condescendance, du xviiie au xixe sicle, une jeune femme vivant en ville de faibles revenus, ouvrire de la confection, dentelire, employe de commerce, rpute sexuellement accessible.

On voit et sent tout autant le caractre historique, voire traditionnel avec un peu de nostalgie qui transparat chez les auteurs et chroniqueurs de lpoque, que laspect formellement dgueulasse, proprement misogyne et banalement classiste que revt une telle considration de certaines jeunes femmes.

On a dmarr la journe depuis le 15me arrondissement, que je connais vraiment trs trs peu (Rive Gauche, pouaaaaaah), et en cheminant vers la Motte-Picquet, on est tomb sur le petit square Cambronne, et un groupe sculpt qui ma tout de suite tap dans lil.

Cette merveille est de Henri Amde Fouques et date de 1887, il sagit de Drame au dsert. Jadore la tension terrible qui mane de la bestiole enrage et aux muscules tendus, prte fondre sur le pauvre type ses pieds. Cela donne une scne dune rare vhmence et trs impressionnante. Jai vraiment t saisi.

#11meArrondissement #15meArrondissement #GrisetteDesFaubourgs #HenriAmdeFouques #JeanBernardDescomps #Sculpture #SquareCambronne #SquareJulesFerry

Half Badger - Varel, Germany 2019 via

Girl with Rucksack. Created by Kenny Hunter in 2004, this sculpture stands at the crossroads of Jane Place and Cumberland Street in the Gorbals in Glasgow. She's a metaphor for the ever-shifting communities who, over the last two hundred years, have arrived and made their homes here only to be move on during later periods of urban redevelopment.

La plus grande des souris sera bibliothcaire

Preparation de soupe en cours

to start
...fallen leaves

'Autumn Vase' by Michelle Holzapfel

(click to see full design)

To destroy or confiscate More looting! Israeli Forces Remove West Bank Sculpture Commemorating 2002 Massacre , ,

Il me faut parfois plusieurs essais pour arriver la bonne taille de souris

Town: Mainz, Germany
Sight: Sulenreste der alten Hauptsynagoge

What's the most unusual sight you've seen while traveling

Don't wait to see the sights of Mainz:


Credits: Wikimedia / Gerda Arendt / CC BY-SA 4.0

The outside of The cafe in South

de Franois-Xavier Lalanne (fondation Gianadda )

In 2008, I made this assemblage sculpture of steampunk inspiration from reused materials.

I wrote the first post of my new blog. Hoping to discuss art toys and mini figures with someone.

the blog is called "Dharmadischarge: The goblincore craft-bunker."

The Orb, Charleston East Plaza Artworks at the Google Gradient Canopy, Mountain View, California.
From the description plate: "Developed using cutting-edge computational methods, this ultra-thin, self-supporting aluminum sculpture is made up of 6441 individual flat pieces and 217.847 rivets, assembled by hand, piece by piece,
from the ground up."

Although Rodin was known for his sculptures, he was also a prolific painter in both oils and watercolours, and he produced thousands of drawings and sketches which are on display in the Muse Rodin.

10 things you might not know about Auguste Rodin:

Installation in light-themed park.

Un potichat sorcier, pour un projet noisettes

garden sculpture, deer made of upcycled horshoes. . November 2023.

Hi tldr.nettime!

I just moved here since I expect to find more like-minded individuals here. I'm an artist and currently immersed in at the faculty of Leibniz University Hannover, exploring as an artistic material, , the materiality of the virtual, and digital social . Therefore, I'm seeking to connect with people who share similar interests. I have a background in , trying to mentally recover from that.

Also currently interested in

Here is a video of an installation that I did: (0:49 min)

Ceramic artist Carlos Cabo creates wonderfully intriguing figures with their heads raised and singing to the sky, each decked out in outfits of different textures and colors.

Somehow I just noticed this outburst of metal animals aside Lake Shore Drive.

Nancy Rubins,
Dense Bud,2016

Cast iron, bronze, stainless steel armature and stainless steel wire cable

9.6' x 11.8' x 11'

Chadkirk Chapel and

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