Le muse Picasso, Paris, se rinvente

Le muse Picasso, Paris, se rinvente et rend enfin sa place Franoise Gilot.
Ce nouvel accrochage baptis Revoir Picasso vise renouveler le regard port sur cetartiste luvre inou, le plus clbre et le plus controvers qui soit :

Some photos from yesterday sign day!
It's a barn raising to get the sign up- everyone comes together to help lift the structure and massive words on raceways. Alicia Eggert welds up the frames herself and leads everyone.

Jason Mishou our electrical engineer collaborator is blowing us away with all his methods and tools. Would love to take a class with him at TXRX labs in Houston.
Show opens tomorrow!

The assemblage of the Bedelys Awards trophies is complete. Today, I am starting to research for colors before moving on to painting.

The assemblage of the Bedelys Awards trophies is complete. Today, I am starting to research for colors before moving on to painting.

In billowing sculptures, Joris Kuipers suspends cloud-like gardens from the ceiling.

Thank you for this day.

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Pablo Picasso

In dit dromerige landschap transformeren deze knotwilgen in gewonde wezens In this dreamy landscape, these pollard willows transform into wounded creatures.
Franz Lenk in 'Surreale Welten' Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg

Albert Memorial
Hyde Park

A mixture of old and new beauty on the shores of the Annapolis Basin in Annapolis Royal

"Sitting there doesn't help you to cook the food bro"

If I fail to cook with hooves again tonight I have to eat grass but I rather starve to death.

AI and 3D printed sculpture project I worked on for artist and longtime friend Keith Edmier. Currently showing at Petzel Gallery in Chelsea, NYC.

The universe is real, but you cant see it. You have to imagine it. Alexander Calder

(My favorite sculpture btw)

Symposium dart contemporain Yasmine Hammamet
Ateliers de , , sur divers matriaux et finale des d cres lors de lvnement. Tel est le programme du sixime Ensemble dArt qui se tiendra du 13 avril au 4 mai 2024 la Mdina de Yasmine .

Silo: a current project
More de-molding pictures and more and more is revealed.. Its looking satisfying until now.

This piece is not available in ThuhShop yet. but.. for other works

Silo: a current project
Well, well its de-molding time. Always exciting! How did the seems from the different pouring stages come out, are there air pockets or a lot bubbles. And some nice shots like a ruin in a snowstorm.

This piece is not available in yet for other works

Was Betrand Russell a meerkat

Some work-in-progress stages of my rabbit.
See the previous post for the final rendering.
Down the rabbit hole
Modeled and rendered in MagicaCSG, slightly color-graded in PhotoScape X.
Inspired by a Leonard Furuberg drawing.
Sculpture Showcase

Some work-in-progress stages of my rabbit.

See the previous post for the final rendering.

Down the rabbit hole

Modeled and rendered in MagicaCSG, slightly color-graded in PhotoScape X.
Inspired by a Leonard Furuberg drawing.

In my neighborhood: a house with an imposing fence made of wooden poles, and living bushes embedded with dozens of old computer monitors.

BLOCK 838776My daily #proofofwork #sculpture #nostrart #artstr #conceptart#dailyproofofwork

Une exposition sur la fontaine des Innocents au Muse Carnavalet !

Monument du milieu du XVIe sicle, lev pour lentre de Henri II Paris, elle a t remanie plusieurs reprises, changeant de lieu et de forme

Exposition du 24 avril au 25 aot 2024

City: Helsinki, Finland
Attraction: Maamme-laulun muistomerkki

What is the most expensive sightseeing tour you have been on

Check out more sights in Helsinki:


Credits: Wikimedia / teos: Erik Bryggman ja Viktor Jansson, valokuva: Kulttuurinavigaattori joka on Heikki Kastemaa / CC-BY-SA-3.0

Day two of install. Oof am I sore- all this bending over an drilling holes all day an whatnot has got my legs an knees all sore all over. Gosh the sure is satisfying when it turns on though!

Our super neat collaborator Jason turned up today from . He is programming the animations and helping out with syncing things to generative sounds and with the RGB LED sign .

Giant steel sign assembly will be today!

shipping to new homes this morning.

Art 4 TodayMask - "Aztecs" - glazed ceramics, beautiful noise made by my brother #sculpture #nostrart #artstr #noisemusic #dailyartdose

Rabbit update

Just a few more things to add, then it's time for the final lighting and rendering.

See other posts in this thread for more MagicaCSG work-in-progress impressions.

A sculpture of a spider sits creepily in front of the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa, Ontario's capital city, on a beautiful late summer day with a blue sky.

L'exposition Les mondes imaginaires (Espace Monte-Cristo) ouvrira samedi 13 !

Thought about this conversation when I saw Leilah Babiryes exhibition 'Obumu (Unity)' at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park yesterday. Not bicycles in poetry, but bicycles in ...

Silvia Gubern 1992


In case anyone was wondering, the crochet figure has the geometry of a truncated rhombic dodecahedron, viewed along one of the three axes of four-fold rotational symmetry. I have a similar shape made of glass.

LWL-Museum fr Kunst und Kultur, Mnster

"No, I wasn't very cute to him, was I"

images of Washington Junior High in Clinton, Iowa, completed in 1935, designed by Karl Keffer and Earl E. Jones

images of the Fuente del ngel Cado in Madrid, Spain by Ricardo Bellver (1877)

BLOCK 838648My daily #proofofwork #sculpture #nostrart #artstr #conceptart#dailyproofofwork

Escultura del guila real en el nopal devorando a una serpiente, obra de George Gardet, encargada por Emile Brnard. Iba a instalarse en el Palacio Legislativo de Porfirio Daz, pero desde el 1940 permanece sobre el Monumento a la Raza.

The Guru has all the answers.