Last day of this visit. Added

Last day of this visit. Added a pin from the North Carolina Museum of Art to my bag. The orange loops of the museum's logo evoke Gyre, a monumental sculpture in the museum's park. But which all of my friends know as The Stargate.

Love these arches with keystone masks on the Royal Bank of Scotland on Gordon Street in Glasgow. Created by David Rhind with sculptures by Handyside Ritchie, it was build for the Commercial Bank of Scotland in 1854, and influenced the design of Glasgow's commercial buildings for the next 20 to 30 years.

Meh baa baa : : f/1.8: 1/125 sec:

Korkenwesen, Paris (F) - 2025

The Black Ghost : La mystrieuse statue du Fantme Noir de Klaipda
Plongez dans la lgende fascinante de cette sculpture inquitante qui semble surgir des profondeurs pour hanter les quais de Klaipda. Un chef-d'uvre charg de mystre et d'histoire !
Dcouvrez cette uvre intrigante ici :

The Black Ghost la statue du fantme noir de Klaipeda

It has been chilly this week - ice in the garden

tu seras une crature fragile dans la main de ta cratrice

tags : cration, gense, golem, dimanche, mre,

Another guitar sculpture found in the baggage area of the Austin, TX airport. This one is sponsored by Guitartown, a local guitar store, covered in quirky Austin related stickers.

Perhaps this could be the falconer.

(sculpture at a chocolate museum in Brugge)

Artrocity Studio presents the second in a series of dioramas featuring Snuggles the Sock Puppet. This time Snuggles visits a small farm in Ames, Iowa.

It doesn't end well.

We don't know where Snuggles will go next, but mayhem seems to follow.

Cardboard except for paper mache (Snuggles), two plastic beads (for Snuggles' googly eyes), and tiny bits of wire (for the ill-fated cows' tiny, tiny legs) acrylic paint and fixer.

Hewwo! I'm a punk rawk salamander!

Sciurus - Cramique - 61 x 37 x 30 cm

A dcouvrir au salon Lille artup! en mars 2025 sur le stand de la Galerie Bndicte Giniaux

Eos, Goddess of the Dawn, riding her quadriga across the sky on the corner of Gordon Street and Renfield Street in Glasgow. It was created by William Birnie Rhind when this building was converted into a department store for R.W. Forsyth by John James Burnet in the 1890s. This sculpture is repeated on the acid-etched window at the western end of the same building.

Raposa - Bordalo II - Lisboa
-ii Raposa - Bordalo II - Lisboa

"Tout tient en un fil, on est toujours en pril" Alberto Giacometti
11 janvier 1966 disparat le peintre et sculpteur Alberto Giacometti

Sculpture Showcase
A scraperboard-style sketch.

A scraperboard-style sketch, made in the early 2000s, when I was still plagued by hormones.

Mehr... Lieblingsfotos
More... Favorite photos
and Art by Artist: / in Loc.: CA, USA 11/2024 - Title: "Woman with Birds" - Website:

Iron Leda 2024

I found some art in the raw in a parking lot. Unexpected. Not intended. Just a fleeting moment, likely to be gone soon.

When art suprises us, it makes an impact.

How the green just smudges into the asphalt, and the beads of a acrylic sit there, baked by the sun...

This Syncaster, Unit 319J, had a broadcast range well over 13km, effectively neutralising over 3.9m people. Institute agents recovered it nearly 63yrs post install. Reflashed, it doubleplus serves as a tech marvel & plus reminder of human horror.

This Syncaster, Unit 319J, had a broadcast range well over 13km, effectively neutralising over 3.9m people. Institute agents recovered it nearly 63yrs post install. Reflashed, it doubleplus serves as a tech marvel & plus reminder of human horror.

Des petits copeaux

Le chat n'est pas fini

Full moon through a sculpture next to the White River in Indianapolis, Indiana in August 2024

'One-of-a-kind' fire-breathing dragon sculpture takes over Winnipeg yard
A Winnipeg sculptors latest creation could also double as a house guard.

'One-of-a-kind' fire-breathing dragon sculpture takes over Winnipeg yard
A Winnipeg sculptors latest creation could also double as a house guard.

Raiders of the Lost Ark, Golden fertility Idol.

The first time I had sculpted in clay since I was a child, this was one of 2 things I attempted. It was a challenge.

It was also not what I expected it to be before I researched what the Idol looked like.

Wait for it.....

Juneau Alaska.

Beaucoup de queue au Grand Palais non merci, pas d'attente pour entrer en face, au muse des Beaux Arts de Paris, dans le Petit Palais. Accs gratuit, salles richement fournies en uvres. Seule une salle de l'exposition temporaire d'art urbain (qui s'achve dans quelques jours) tait un peu trop remplie mon got.
Le problme de frquentation concerne surtout cette mode de faire des photos de chaque uvre, une une, sans tre vraiment l , sans vraiment regarder, et surtout sans se soucier dautrui.
Le site est vraiment superbe et mrite vraiment quelques heures d'attention.
Bonne fin de semaine toutes et tous !
PS : cette fresque murale est de Ferdinand Humbert (peinte en 1913). Je n'ai pas trouv son titre.
#photo #MyWork #TravailPerso #MuseDesBeauxArtsDeParis #expo #muse #exposition #PetitPalais #Art #peinture #sculpture #Paris #Culture

This is a rare Saxon carving of the Mother and Child. It can be found in St John the Baptist Church, at Inglesham, near Swindon. Until 1910, it lived outside, and was once used as a sundial - the hole for the gnomon, and cuts to mark the hours can be seen at the bottom left.

An artist works on a snow sculpture during the Harbin international snow sculpture contest in Heilongjiang province, Harbin,

Photograph: Andy Wong/AP

moment of kinetic sculpture fail

in real life:

Cest sur les conseils de (injonction) que je viens me joindre vous.
Je mappelle Depierre et je suis sculpteur (Il est ailleurs Depierre )
Parfois, daucuns mappellent Gandalf cause des facties de (il crit en ligne et lil l : )
Je suis essentiellement modeleur et prfre le travail du mtal, je ralise des sculptures monumentales en cuivre martel et des petites sculptures en bronze que je vous prsenterai de temps en temps.

Vite ! L'exposition Simone Fattal (Louvre) se terminera lundi 27 janvier !

Nicole McLaughlin draws upon the rich traditions of historically domestic crafts to reconsider their roles today, merging ceramics and textiles into elegant, cascading wall sculptures.


That time I went too far according to Sir Google

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