L'histoire de la fontaine du Soleil

L'histoire de la fontaine du Soleil de Nice, un monument emblmatique pourtant dcri une poque

Kacie Lees was around yesterday when I was fixing this up and called it a croissant- with its flat side, I agree! Finally- I got one! I thought it was leaking again- but it cleaned up. The usual turquoise staining drifted to the pink this time on its way out.

This spiral uses scraps of the You Are Magic collaboration with Alicia Eggert. So its an Eclipsed Magic Rainbow Croissant! Yeah its a little sloppy, but I wanna make another with fun colors :)

Were Open Good Friday and Easter Saturday

Fri: 11am 6pm
Sat: Noon 5pm

ArtisAnn Gallery, 70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AE

Aucune explication n'tait disponible sur cette , mais je pense que le monsieur est surpris qu'un oiseau ponde un uf sur sa tte, le tout accompagn de deux mini chevaux sur les cts.

Made to be destroyed: the unexpected appeal of butter moulding

From the ar(t)chive
Stylized 3D illustration for a 2008 issue of the Dutch ComputerTotaal magazine, about the launch of the then-fast ADSL 2+ internet connection speed (before fiber optic internet became the standard).
From my 2000s ar(t)chive...
3D illustration in an experimental style for an article in the Dutch ComputerTotaal magazine, about storing of personal data by companies and governments.

Batll Majesty

Medieval Romanesque Art
Mid-12th century
156 x 119.5 x 20.5 cm

Probably from a church in the comarca of La (Girona).

Carving in walnut (head and body), willow (right arm), elm (cross upright) and holm oak (cross arms) with polychrome in tempera.

Century: 12th

The Museu Nacional dArt de Catalunya

Sophie Ryder - Dancing Hares.

Alrighty, pieces have arrived and been installed, showcards are here and flights are booked- I suppose now is as good a time as any to announce I am in this show "The World in My Hand" in Munich, Germany!

I love/loath my and its mind moulding effects- so I am super thrilled to be in the show. I will be in from April 17-19 and the 20-21st. Maybe I can meet some Euro Masto friends

Learning deutsch now :)

J'ai un peu continu la mine. Je manque un peu d'ide pour l'amnagement

Beautifully sculpted bull's head on the 1870s former John Inglis and Company tannery and leather warehouse building on Saint Andrew's Square in Glasgow.

03.03.2024 George Washington

pleasure boat sculpture, Japanese, 19th century

From my 2000s ar(t)chive...

3D illustration in an experimental style for an article in the Dutch ComputerTotaal magazine, about storing of personal data by companies and governments.

Were Open Good Friday and Easter Saturday

Fri: 11am 6pm

Sat: Noon 5pm

ArtisAnn Gallery, 70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AE

Any sculptors/makers looking for commission work

Sculpture Showcase

Richard Serra with his sculpture "Twain" on its dedication day, May 1, 1982. (J.B. Forbes photo.)

Come In and Enjoy Art at the ArtisAnn Gallery in Belfast

You can even spread the cost over 10 months and take the art home today

ArtisAnn Gallery, 70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AE

Tue - Fri: 11am to 6pm
Sat: Noon to 5pm

Nick Cave on love, art and the loss of his sons: Its against nature to bury your children

This little critters are still available for adoption. They are waiting for a nice person to bring them in a warm and cozy home

You can adopt them here

LWL-Museum fr Kunst und Kultur, Mnster

I attempted to make another sphere today- using 15mm because its nice an chunky an I have a lot of scraps of it now:)
Using a different pattern- it sorta ended up a little offset- but it is rounder. Still trying to wrap my head around this one.

The 15mm is a little easier to break funny. In the end though I had a leak in the purple. phosphor really is evil- its so unforgiving. Took almost all day. Not perfect enough but maybe next time.

Spent the last two days packing up all the lines an letters to head to Texas. So nice to have Art handlers moving this- it makes the packing much easier (and cheaper). Art handlers don't throw the boxes :)

Giant boxes- its nice working with big sheets of cardboard and hot glue again. I only burned my finger once with the glue gun- worst burn in months. Kinda ironic with how often I work with fire.

did an amazing job with the letter boxes.

Saw this bloke in the sculpture garden...
Auguste Rodin, Nude study for Jean d'Aire, 1885-86 cast 1973

Aeolic sculpture
Natural, Jezero Crater, Mars

Processed, cropped MCZRIGHT, FL: 110mm
looking NE (44) from RMC 51.1348
Sol 1102, LMST: 11:08:13

Credit: /JPL-Caltech/ASU/65dBnoise

. Crap. Now I have to figure out who my new favorite living sculptor is. I knew it was coming but that didnt make the news any easier to take.

'Arc of Dreams' in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

This soaring sculpture and Sioux Falls landmark represents the leap of faith taken to make one&s dreams come true.

Richard Serra, the sculptor whose grand steel works defined the Minimalist art movement, has died at 85.

A farewell to Richard Serra. His work at the in Maastricht never ceased to impress me.

Still from his Hands Scraping (1968) (via )

'The Seed' sculpture, at the Eden Project in Cornwall is quite a sight.
It's often difficult to convey size and weight of an object photographed in isolation, but this 'thing' is huge.
The sculpture, by Peter Randall-Page, is from a single piece of granite, carved with 1,800 nodes in the pattern of a Fibonacci spiral.
The colossal piece weighs more than 70 tonnes!


Molten magnificence: how Richard Serras giant steel sculptures bent time and space

We at Bot-World are proud to share our latest innovation in Greenification. We have managed to create Reclamation-Bot, a 'bot that loves to just hang out with you and cheers you on on your worst days. Reclamation-Bots all come as a central core and can be placed near broken items to form their body, making each and every single one unique. Get your new friend today by visiting your local Bot-World Human-Bot Relations Center today!

Here is an update pic of William The Worm from Labyrinth that I am sculpting. I have the background started. Still got a lot I need to do.

Design Milk : 12 Questions With Kelly Wearstler on the Echo Collection

An artist I always liked, his work is between architecture and sculpture.
You can get lost in it and it also modifies sound around you. Quite a unique experience.

Poseidon, ancient Greek god of the sea, surrounded by flames as he fights to vanquish a fire-breathing dragon on a gable of the former Southern Fire Station on Centre Street in Glasgow.

Today's photo with the most hits: Seneca, Austrian Parliament, Vienna.

Richard Serra, uncompromising American abstract sculptor, dies aged 85

In memoriam:

Deze titaan van de hedendaagse kunst heeft een onuitwisbare stempel gedrukt op de kunstwereld. Zijn monumentale sculpturen van cortenstaal blijven boekdelen spreken en zullen voor altijd ons begrip van ruimte vormgeven.

Richard Serra (1938-2024) Open Ended, 2007-2008
Collectie museum Voorlinden
Foto: mezelf


walk near Redfern