In 2015, I made some masks out of plastic bottles and utensils as well as a few other items gleaned here and there.
Halloween 2 - The Other (Seh-Hund)
Digital photography of an assemlage (seal skull, slide projector lenses).
For halloween, another eerie image. Reference to me being a vision-impaired photographer intentional.
Swiss sculptor Christian Bolt offers a fresh answer to the age-old question: what is beauty
Feat.: ig impulsegallery + arsbolt
by Tom May tommay at creativeboom
Dit romantische standbeeld bij de ingang is het toonbeeld van onschuld This romantic statue at the entrance is the epitome of innocence.
Alte Nationalgalerie
Indian elephant 2015
Madonna and Child
Saint Philippe du Roule - Paris
Yes, the child is holding the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch! That thing is dangerous!
DesignBoom : max lamb sculpts leather seating into silver-lined clouds at design miami/ paris
SculptureCreative Mom makes amazing pieces of art from recyclables, paint, and clay. Her sculptures look like dark fairy tale props. Theyre spooky and cool. She sells them, too. Perfect for Halloween.
11/4()11/12() NoeLily's nest
Kaleidoscopic Wonderland: Colorful Worlds by Pip & Pop
Malene Hartmann Rasmussens sculptures often shapeshift, at first glance appearing like a cluster of foliage, pinecones, or berries and on closer inspection revealing a trolls bearded face or a woven web of serpents.
Renard du lundi
In 2015, I made some masks out of plastic bottles and utensils as well as a few other items gleaned here and there.
" "
By: unknown artist
A community is split over the fate of a 5 sculpture that could bring them millions.
In 2015, I made some masks out of plastic bottles and utensils as well as a few other items gleaned here and there.
'Micheal Jackson Fucked Up'
Alleen door de titel wordt dit kunstwerk controversieel Only the title makes this artwork controversial.
Paul McCarthy in
Il y a tout juste 1 an : interview Jean-Jacques Abdallah, la sculpture sort du marbre : Des taureaux gomtriques aux musiciennes ondulantes, la sculpture de Jean-Jacques Abdallah joue avec le marbre brut et ... Suite sur jeanjacquesabdallah <img src="" alt="Jean-Jacques Abdallah, la sculpture sort du marbre">
# bigorre vig
One day to go!
If you'd like to make some spooky wee creatures, I've a fair few Halloween tutorials over at my YouTube channel
Halloween tomorrow
Chadkirk Chapel and
Indra 19 century
11/4()11/12() NoeLily's nest
On a one mile hike around the South Coast Botanical Garden in Southern California I discovered trolls.
Now free for all to read... Trudging up the slopes of beautiful sculpture gardens outside Penzance, I'm looking for art - but it's very much hidden among the trees:
Cornwall's secret sculpture garden
Jean-Paul Riopelle auprs dune sculpture de hibou
Un bb
In 2015, I made some masks out of plastic bottles and utensils as well as a few other items gleaned here and there.
Tits time
Une msange huppe en bois
J'ai toujours un peu de mal avec les proportions des oiseaux. J'arrive jamais savoir si j'ai trop creus le cou ou pas assez
Shiny Pink Darth Vader Helmet: Mineral & Gemstone Sculpture
Checkout more
Focus 29/10 - Micro-folie
MicroFolie, cest quoi
Un dispositif culturel innovant, au service des territoires selon
MinistereCC. consiste dvelopper un dans une structure existante.
Un grand cran et des tablettes avec casque audio permettent la mise en valeur de toutes formes artistiques (, , , etc). Dautres outils peuvent complter le dispositif (ralit virtuelle, etc).
In 2015, I made some masks out of plastic bottles and utensils as well as a few other items gleaned here and there.
some ideal themed reading
"...the costume appeared to suggest a walled cemetery. When the cape was parted, a heavy chain was revealed about Benots waist on which hung knives & toy-like gravedigging equipment ...carrion crows ringed the shoulders"
my article considering costume as concept & outside the boundaries of is now published in Signifier:
Out along the mudflats of Derby on the edge of Western Australia you can experience some quite remarkable dawn/dusk sculptures.
"Sculptures On The Marsh" includes this one called "Kimberly Ringer" but I could've (and may) included "Contemplation" or "Outback Football", both of which are very cool.
In Lacock Abbey, there is a great hall with all these fancy terracotta sculptures dotted around the walls. A sugar cube was placed on the goat's nose 100 years ago by a visiting student, and there's been one there ever since.
Kleine Ergnzung. Ich kann mich nicht entscheiden. Und es gibt noch so viel mehr spannendes.
So richtig passend fr einen ruhigen Sonntag: der herbstliche Skulpturenpark "Europos Parkas" am Stadtrand von Vilnius. ber 90 Skulpturen von Knstlern aus der ganzen Welt warten, angeschaut, bestaunt, berhrt, verstanden und fotografiert zu werden.
DesignBoom : yukari hotta breathes life into sculptural objects by molding small openings
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this cute little dragon nestled in the stonework around the door of the former Anderston Free Church (now the Gilmorehill Centre) on University Avenue in Glasgow.