In 2006, I made this assemblage

In 2006, I made this assemblage sculpture from upcycled materials. The teeth are made up of computer mouses, the eyelashes from a typewriter piece and for the rest a few wheel hubcaps and a few other stuff.

City: Stockholm, Sweden
POI: La Mano

What's your favorite mode of transportation for sightseeing

Don't wait to see the sights of Stockholm:


Credits: Wikimedia / Jssfrk / CC0

The Knife Angel sculpture, also known as The National Monument Against Violence and Aggression, created by artist Alfie Bradley from over 100.000 knives obtained from knife amnesties and weapons seized by British police forces, is seen on display as part of a national tour in Bolton, Britain. REUTERS/Phil Noble

The Gatekeeper, Kidston Terrace

Suspended sculpture on Gorbals flats. An image more appropriate for last week perhaps

Aprs un dbut de semaine intense, ce matin je serais bien volontiers reste encore un peu dans les bras de Morphe, le fils d'Hypnos

Bon courage pour cette journe !

Tte d'Hypnos, attribue au sculpteur grec Scopas, British Museum.

Expo "Fernand Khnopff, le matre de l'nigme", Petit Palais, 2018.

'The Falling Titan' by Thomas Banks (1786)

Dawn bust statue by Fewture

Very cool exhibit up at City College right now - "Terrain of Discourse" by Mary Anne Kluth.

Trying to trust in the process

In 2006, I made this assemblage sculpture from upcycled materials. This eye is principally build from a round snow sled and a plastic cake container base.

Design Milk : DDW23: Kazerne Is Intertwining Hope and Design +Fashion -friendly

In 2004, I made this assemblage sculpture from upcycled materials. As you could see many hubcaps were use in the conception of this art piece...

Il semblerait que le syndrome du touche maintenant la ,

Christmas Shopping for an Art Lover

Spread the Cost over 10 months and Take the Art Home Today

ArtisAnn Gallery, 70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AE

Tue - Fri: 11am to 6pm Sat: Noon to 5pm

We have 2 floors of art at our gallery and even more online

Come In and Enjoy Art at the ArtisAnn Gallery in Belfast

Is that a deer in the garden

Hare Hill Garden

The clock above the main entrance of Charing Cross Mansions in Glasgow sculpted by W.B. Rhind. On either side of the clock are figures representing Spring (left) and Autumn (right), while above it are figures of Commerce and Industry. The clock face itself is surrounded by Zodiac signs, and below it the bearded face of Father Time emerges from the stone work. All in all, a rather beautiful clock filled with symbolism.

In Heirloom Machine, Kate Van Vliet catalogues her daily routines one eggshell at a time.

Turtle at Swann Memorial Fountain

"Stop this!"
The first Yerres sculpture biennial took place in 2007.
Blending all artistic sensibilities, from figurative to abstract, bronze to wood, terracotta, cardboard and metal, the biennial showcased the vibrancy of sculptural creation in France.
The Caillebotte estate is an ideal place to exhibit such work: the vast gardens are magnificent, and the orangery can accommodate the more fragile pieces.

Tortue marine



Etonnante sculpture sur dromadaire. La coiffeuse japonaise Megumi Takeichi dcoupe des motifs dans les poils dun chameau loccasion du Bikaner Camel Festival, dans ltat indien du Rajasthan, en janvier 2019. Photo  Dinesh Gupta (AFP/Getty).

Site de Megui Takeichi (en japonais) :    

A propos du festival de Bikaner :

#art #performance #HairArt #MeguiTakeichi #dromadaire #sculpture

Dog Meets Octopus

Dog Meets Octopus - 2023 Robert N. Clinton (aka CyberShutterbug)

Book Tree / St Pancras
2023 Christmas tree at St Pancras International railway station

It's been over 5 years since I had any art in a gallery... Hoping to do something in 2024.

Un nouveau Catz'arts voit le jour ! L'accs en ligne aux collections des Beaux-Arts de Paris, a chang d'adresse.
Ces collections sont dune grande diversit : peintures, sculptures, objets dart, dessins, mdailles, mais aussi des photographies, estampes, montages ostologiques ainsi que des livres et manuscrits. Dcouvrez toute leur richesse grce un nouveau moteur de recherche et un affichage plus convivial.

Jusquau 31 mars 2024, le MuMa, muse dart moderne Andr-Malraux au Havre, propose de magnifiques Itinraires abstraits , une promenade avec de multiples chemins dans les collections.

Le Havre#exposition

Laurent Le Deunff installe ses dernires uvres dans une nouvelle mise en scne au Portique au Havre. Lexposition, La Bascule du corps fantme est voir jusquau 25 fvrier 2024.

Le Portique centre rgional d'art contemporain du Havre Laurent Le Deunff

In 2005, I made this assemblage sculpture from upcycled materials. As you could see many hubcaps were use in the conception of this art piece...

Chadkirk Chapel and

Finally got around to re-bending this arrow neon sign. It was half broken by the time I got it back from Pilchuck (what I get for just tossing it in the pelican case with the rest of my stuff).
The black light (Woods) I used is a neat filter to the fill- even uncoated without its usual tanning light phosphor- It's tricky to bend- extra hot an fast

Now it "waves" as it points with the mistruth information prefixes.

Alexander Calder
Josephine Baker
in 1927, Miss Baker was the queen of Paris nightlife

Plongez dans un monde enchant avec les sculptures de fes aux pissenlits de Robin Wight. Dcouvrez comment la nature s'unit l'art pour crer des uvres magiques !

And finally the finished product :) He is part of 'Desk Companions' sculptures or simply 'The Companions'. They are balanced so they stand on their own and require no additional support. They are not attached to and can stand on your hand or finger if picked up. 
Commission and character belongs to

If you're ever in Kingston, be sure to check out "Wilds of Kingston" bronze figures by Brandon Vickerd at the corner of Princess & Division streets.

A very hipster looking squirrel & pigeon duo captures the vibe of the city quite well.

Visit Brandon Vickerd's website with further details here:

Pictures: Mine

Im often asked if I take private commissions and sadly the answer is no (aside from commercial work) but if youre interested, most of my personal work ends up in my store

Malgr sa qualit de mouton chien berger, Molky n'chappait pas la tonte annuelle

I love this deconstructed version of the Glasgow Coat of Arms by William Kellock Brown above the entrance to the former Hutchesontown District Library on McNeil Street in the Gorbals.

Scultpture in a pool

My Guru