Il me faut parfois plusieurs essais

Il me faut parfois plusieurs essais pour arriver la bonne taille de souris

Town: Mainz, Germany
Sight: Sulenreste der alten Hauptsynagoge

What's the most unusual sight you've seen while traveling

Don't wait to see the sights of Mainz:


Credits: Wikimedia / Gerda Arendt / CC BY-SA 4.0

The outside of The cafe in South

de Franois-Xavier Lalanne (fondation Gianadda )

In 2008, I made this assemblage sculpture of steampunk inspiration from reused materials.

I wrote the first post of my new blog. Hoping to discuss art toys and mini figures with someone.

the blog is called "Dharmadischarge: The goblincore craft-bunker."

The Orb, Charleston East Plaza Artworks at the Google Gradient Canopy, Mountain View, California.
From the description plate: "Developed using cutting-edge computational methods, this ultra-thin, self-supporting aluminum sculpture is made up of 6441 individual flat pieces and 217.847 rivets, assembled by hand, piece by piece,
from the ground up."
Sculpture Showcase

Although Rodin was known for his sculptures, he was also a prolific painter in both oils and watercolours, and he produced thousands of drawings and sketches which are on display in the Muse Rodin.

10 things you might not know about Auguste Rodin:

Installation in light-themed park.

Un potichat sorcier, pour un projet noisettes

garden sculpture, deer made of upcycled horshoes. . November 2023.

Hi tldr.nettime!

I just moved here since I expect to find more like-minded individuals here. I'm an artist and currently immersed in at the faculty of Leibniz University Hannover, exploring as an artistic material, , the materiality of the virtual, and digital social . Therefore, I'm seeking to connect with people who share similar interests. I have a background in , trying to mentally recover from that.

Also currently interested in

Here is a video of an installation that I did: (0:49 min)

Ceramic artist Carlos Cabo creates wonderfully intriguing figures with their heads raised and singing to the sky, each decked out in outfits of different textures and colors.

Somehow I just noticed this outburst of metal animals aside Lake Shore Drive.

Nancy Rubins,
Dense Bud,2016

Cast iron, bronze, stainless steel armature and stainless steel wire cable

9.6' x 11.8' x 11'

Chadkirk Chapel and

Pablo Hirndorf, Warpe - Die Schlsselfrau zu Felsberg - Ars Natura

Die Skulptur aus Stahl steht im Felsberger Rhododendrengarten:

Im Hintergrund die :
, No. 7, No. 11,

Die Beschreibung

Die Silhouette einer menschlichen Figur mit femininen Formen und erhobener Hand steht winkend vertikal auf der Rasenflche, sagt der Knstler ber die Skulptur. Die freie Mitte ermglicht den Blick auf den Burgberg. Der Blick ist gigantisch, darauf habe ich die Skulptur ausgerichtet. Die freie Mitte lsst unten einen Schlssel erkennen. Dort knnte man weie Rosen pflanzen und in die Schlsselfrau hineinwachsen lassen. Ein Miteinander von Kunst und Natur.

Das Material

Die Skulptur besteht aus Stahl. Die Form wird laut Hirndorf aus einer Stahlplatte geschnitten und an der Kante durch das Aufschweien einer umlaufenden Blechkante stabilisiert. So knne die gesamte Form filigran gehalten werden, was dem Geisterhaften der Legende entgegenkomme. Die Stahlflchen werden mit einem Sonnenschliff behandelt, sodass sie das Licht aus spielen lassen, sagt er.
( Manfred Schaake, HNA, )

, , , , , , , , , No. 2, , , , , , , , , , , ,

Cultural Identity: Ceramic Sculptures by Stephanie Shih

Belles couleurs d'automne dans le nouveau jardin de L'Arborescence Programme
Retrouvez quelques-unes de mes uvres ds vendredi 17 novembre chez Herbace fleuriste, centre commercial Carrefour Francheville !

Purple Chicago, Illinois USA
Canon EOS Rebel 2004


Windows overlooking garden behind Man with the Broken Nose at

In 2009, I made this assemblage sculpture of inspiration from paper mache and objects of all kinds: hubcaps, dive goggles, hooks, hose, lamp pieces, etc. The glass of the goggles were tinted using stained-glass paint.


Untitled, 1960 by Zdzisaw Beksiski

Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: the Naked Boy, Prague Castle (Toy Museum), Czechia.

'A shimmer trhrough the quantum foam'
Deze lichtgevende microben zijn fascinerend in vorm en kleur These luminous microbes are fascinating in shape and colour.
Anicka Yi in

DesignBoom : bobby baker sculpts an edible family from cake, biscuits & meringues at tate britain

'Thetis dipping Achilles in the River Styx' by Thomas Banks (b.1735-d.1805)

Saying nothing about the *problematic* nature of the , I do like this sculpture of by

(P.S., our most recent is on the of Andromeda : )


Taken this day, 2013, statue of Sir Walter Scott at night, with the illuminated face of the Balmoral Clock behind him

CW: last image has eye contact.

Please please please vote for me (Teague Leigh) in the People's Choice Award in the Merri-bek Summer Show, Counihan Gallery, Bulleke-bek. Unfortunately I didn't win the major prize of $3,000 so need this $1,000 prize to put towards my gala exhibition in January!


Getting curves to coil into helices is marginally difficult. Projecting the curve locally into a cylinder and tweaking the axis/radius a little gets some nice coiling/buckling. It all descends into scribbles anyway.

Thanks David Ebberly!!!

In 2007, I made this assemblage sculpture from upcycled materials. A lot of hubcaps were used and a few other stuff.

Design Milk : DDW23: Raw Color Celebrates Award Win With Vibrant Show -friendly

Winkie the Pigeon Honoured with Broughty Ferry Sculpture

Last batch no more posts for awhile was really excited with how pleased I was with some of these older pieces


In 2006, I made this assemblage sculpture from upcycled materials. The teeth are made up of shoe soles and as for the rest it's pretty much just hubcaps and a few other stuff.

Thank you for this day.

Black and white Bean.

Live Ship Map