Guten Abend... Gute Nacht / ...

Guten Abend... Gute Nacht / ...
Artist: / in - City: Park Complex Indonesia 2023 - Title : "KAWS:HOLIDAY" - ( by AKG Entertainment ) -

Ours en peluche en chocolat

Now there's a man who looks like he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders!

The sculpture of Atlas by James Young on the top of the Standard Buildings on Hope Street in Glasgow. They were design by James Thomson in 1889, with the top storeys added by J.B. and W.A. Thomson in 1909.

And before anyone points it out, I know in the original mythology that Atlas was condemmed to hold up the sky with his shoulders and not the Earth.


Ces deux beaux ppres sont dispo sur ma boutique: https://le


Owl Sculpture.

From EVNI, a collection of giant furniture by Italian designer Umberto Dattola. EVNI is the acronym of Evento Vivificante Non Identificato (an unidentified life-giving event).

"Je n'ai jamais eu de chagrin qu'une heure de lecture n'ait dissip." Montesquieu
La quitude de leur visage, autant que la srnit qui sen dgage, montre toute lattention porte des lectures figes dans la pierre :

Growing out Zoroastrianiam, Mithraism was, for a time, a major religion in the western Roman Empire and some believe it came close to becoming the dominant one (rather than Christianity). Others dispute this possibility.

Either way, it's unusual to find Mithras represented amongst the much more common Greek gods and Christian imagery on a Glasgow Building.

There are many beautiful sculptures on Glasgow's buildings, but some of them are of quite unexpected subjects. It this case it's the Romano-Persian God Mithras on the former Sun Life Building on West George Street.


Atelierhaus Anscharpark, Kiel,
"good to see you", Daniela Dreisigacker & Joseph Ruben Heicks

Around the Bend.

I paint with shapes. Alexander Calder

I love that I get to see this incredible sculpture when Im putting mail in the post.

Its a fantastic night here at for .

Thats just off the iPhone. Cant wait to see what the big toys make of it

Against the ream: An expansive exhibition invites thirteen artists to explore the vast Possibilities of Paper

Vampire Hunter D statue by Figurama Collectors #

one of the stbarnabas hearts around

New work in progress and for once it's not a polymer painting! :ablobcheer:

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It's Thursday! Here's a throwback to these ladies

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It's certainly very similar in style and detail to Grassby's known Father Clyde on the nearby 30 Saint Vincent Place.

I love this 1860s keystone head by Charles Grassby over the entrance to the former Junior Conservative Club on West George Street in Glasgow.

I can't find any record of what it represents, but the fish on his head and the anchor entwined in his beard suggest it could be Father Clyde, the mythological embodiment of the river on which Glasgow's fortune was built.


All I *REALLY* wanted to do was call this one done today. He's been sitting on the shelf glaring at me for a few weeks and all I had to finish was his collar. It had me stumped how I was going to construct it as a separate piece, to cover his neck joint, and I worked it out, without a pattern, roughly getting the shape I intended, just using some scraps of another piece. I try where I can to recycle and not put things in the bin especially fabric scraps. I had also broken his head several times and had to glue the tendrils (his "lekku") back on, then sand it down before I could paint it. His head, hands, feet, body and clothes are entirely handmade. He's a kind of gross greedy corrupt politician character seen really just in the background in the films and a few more times in the animated series, but he is such a unique design I really wanted to make him. My photography isn't the best (need to learn a thing or two about toy photography) but I really wanted to snap a pic right at the moment of birth. He is Orn Free Taa, Senator of Ryloth. He sort of reminds me a greedy Cardinal Wolsey or Trump type character and in another age I would have loved to have seen him played by actor Frank Thring. I dont know which Star wars concept artist originally designed him.

While at the Gas Filling Tube Suckers in I was able to fill this Double Rainbow Zizzle Zazzle I bent at Museum Of Neon Art in . It's the first "bend and wrap" sequence that has ever survived. There is a combo bend and a wrap alternating between each of the 7 Italian in this . It makes a nice cool white glow, is about 8 inches in the largest direction and is for in the Pacific Northwest.

Made it back to my buddy Galen's place in and his GFTS studio to finish up this and help him with a thing or two. Plenty of wires! It's now in a good state of done, double boxed and headed to a show at the Nicolayson Museum in Casper, . I gotta get some plans together and go to the opening in September!
Always fun seeing and hanging with Galen and other Seattle/ Tacoma . here I come!

Intricate Folded Paper Artworks by Joo Charrua

Moments in Play by

I have a new favourite lion in Glasgow's architecture and it's this one from the keystone of an arch on the Norwich Union Chambers at 125 Saint Vincent Street. I just love that piercing stare and the motion of the roar which has been captured by the sculptor.

Somebody please tell Stan Bitters hes made the big time in the corner of Nordstroms lingerie department.

one of the models of Frdric-Auguste Bartholdi's 'Liberty' that was produced and sold to fund the building of the larger monument, 1875 , and a photograph of M. Bartholdi taken in 1880

Alice Zanin

Tango de souvenirs colors

Sheila Hicks, La Sentinelle de Safran, 2018.

Steve McCurry, Monks Praying at Golden Rock, Kyaiktiyo, Myanmar, 1994, Agence Magnum.

Une mini de

"La vraie beaut de l'art, c'est qu'il rvle l'me." George Bernard Shaw
Sculpture "La petite chtelaine", 1896, Camille Claudel

Theres lots of clay goodness over at my store, including this little lot here

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> Ort ohne Heimweh < Ausstellung von Thomas Gerhards + Anja Kreysing + Werner Rckemann in der Zeitbogen-Galerie Oxford - Kaserne Mnster, Roxeler Str 340
Dauer: 5.8. - 17.9. 2023
In den Abendstunden sehr gut von auen hr- und sichtbar!

Sculpture by Chicago-based Danish artist Anders Ruhwald, 2010s-20s.

River Cut Tide / Paul Mason
Marble sculpture of 2002.

Et voil la bte !

Silure glane, chne et if boniss, socle en vigne, finition huile de lin et thrbentine. Les barbillons sont en fil de fer.