Greetings Citizens.
These artworks are from a remembered future in which humans created tech to win wars and control one another.
The tech is all that survived.
Quand lart classique se plie aux formes modernes !
Dcouvrez les sculptures dAdam Parker Smith, qui rinvente les statues classiques en les compressant en cubes. Un mlange audacieux entre antique et art contemporain !
explorer ici :
Des statues classiques compresses en cubes par Adam Parker Smith
In the light of the disastrous LA fires, I recalled this cartoon I made in 2008 for the Dutch news site, when a big fire had destroyed a Hollywood film studio.
Ma joie est immense de vous inviter au vernissage de mon exposition En premier, ne pas nuire
Mardi 14 janvier au centre dart Ronzier, Valenciennes. Ouverture des portes 18H
Cette soire sera accompagne dune performance drag avec cheese.nan.goldwyn
Lexposition sera ensuite visible jusquau 15 fvrier.
fructosedunkerque artronzierval
Winter frost in the garden
Berberis darwnii
There was no data. The Omega had no name. There was no stable power feed. For all they knew, she could have been a hollow vessel. Occasionally an electric arc would bounce through the protuberances extending from her.
They had little time to think about her origins, they were there to collect.
First Contact: Static Charge
Exhibition Mark Dion - Delirious Toys
Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn
I made this doodle today to do some things the even heat of the kiln is good with including super weird size mismatches and bubbles and whatnot.
Its a bubble doodle! With some wiped tubes, and some hand pulled purple and silver/gold bubbles (the pink and weird brown ones).
Its currently sitting at about 800F in an oven under vacuum for tomorrow (although by tomorrow it will be at 250F).
I plan on putting a wiggly xenon fill in it tomorrow morning.
I like to try bends I have never done before. Its fun to take a bunch of scraps I like an try to make something seemingly impossible with them and it works.... maybe- we shall see tomorrow.
Atempus Ansible
A small reliable ansible. Doubleplus watching with reliablewise comms.
moment from early fall 2024Aprs une deuxime couche de betadine et de brou de noix (mlang du fusain), la sculpture de Nola est termine. J'espre qu'elle ronronne bien dans sa nouvelle maison
Today is the feast of Saint Mungo, the founder of Glasgow Cathedral and the city's patron saint, marking 1,411 years since his death on 614 A.D. This statue of Saint Mungo as the Patron of the Arts was created by George Frampton in 1900 for Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in the West End of Glasgow.
Expo Odysse Lumineuse, 11 janvier 2025If you enjoy the Arts the Wim Wenders' documentary on Anselm Kiefer, 'Anselm' is wonderful.
Posting this again because I accidentally deleted it. Taken in the gardens of the Palazzo hotel in Johannesburg. It stopped raining and we took a stroll after enjoying a sumptuous High TeaWinter frost in the garden
Contoneaster horizontalis
I call this one 'Chronic Fatigue Crash'.
Portrait of the revolutionary Vera Figner 1928
Hampton Court -- (Taken 18 July 1999)Auguste Rodin (French, 1840-1917)
Two Hands - bronze - 1909
via fromthedusttumblr
The Electroloque Fermion Ansible.
Been a few years, but really enjoyed creating this. Inside were small cards with the signature of each craftsman signed off with initials of their supervisor. To think nearly 100yrs separated us.
Premire publication dune uvre
Tate Modern, London
J'avance sur la sculpture de chat
My Substack article on the Penguin Parade outdoor exhibition in London.
Last day of this visit. Added a pin from the North Carolina Museum of Art to my bag. The orange loops of the museum's logo evoke Gyre, a monumental sculpture in the museum's park. But which all of my friends know as The Stargate.
Love these arches with keystone masks on the Royal Bank of Scotland on Gordon Street in Glasgow. Created by David Rhind with sculptures by Handyside Ritchie, it was build for the Commercial Bank of Scotland in 1854, and influenced the design of Glasgow's commercial buildings for the next 20 to 30 years.
Meh baa baa : : f/1.8: 1/125 sec:
Korkenwesen, Paris (F) - 2025
The Black Ghost : La mystrieuse statue du Fantme Noir de Klaipda
Plongez dans la lgende fascinante de cette sculpture inquitante qui semble surgir des profondeurs pour hanter les quais de Klaipda. Un chef-d'uvre charg de mystre et d'histoire !
Dcouvrez cette uvre intrigante ici :
The Black Ghost la statue du fantme noir de Klaipeda
It has been chilly this week - ice in the garden
tu seras une crature fragile dans la main de ta cratrice
tags : cration, gense, golem, dimanche, mre,
Another guitar sculpture found in the baggage area of the Austin, TX airport. This one is sponsored by Guitartown, a local guitar store, covered in quirky Austin related stickers.