From the ar(t)chive

From the ar(t)chive
Character designs and illustrations for a camping-themed family board game (2012).
Sculpture Showcase

From the ar(t)chive

Character designs and illustrations for a camping-themed family board game (2012).

Today I bent this neon mini pony!

I'll admit- the transition between the mane and the neck/ back could be a little better- thats actually the area where I welded the two halves together. Gonna improve that on the next one. By golly is it small though- 6 inches from tail to nose and just 3.5 inches tall at the tip of that spikey mane!

The 5mm tubing has so much resistance, its like trying to drink out of a little stir straw. That resistance brings lots of brightness, and when a bunch of current is present (during bombarding), heat. When bombarding (pumping) with up to 500ma of current in this case, the glass can get hot enough to slump... or even suck in (its under vacuum).

I knew I did a good job pumping it though because I left it on the 60ma aging transformer (double the usual operating current) for hours and the stayed nice an red - no additional impurities released :)

Albert King, presumedly

My in prep 1:1 Larry model next to a cast of a Lariosaurus fossil. Hmm, time to address the clown feet.

The clay has started to dry out but I've realised this makes it a bit easier to sculpt and add details.

"'Americas favorite pastime is amnesia,' Harris said. 'Thats maybe nowhere more evident than in these land art works, when were asked to just presume that there wasnt anything here.'"

For High Country News, Savanna Strott examines the connections between and , , and :

Come In and Enjoy Art at the ArtisAnn Gallery in Belfast

You can even spread the cost over 10 months and take the art home today

ArtisAnn Gallery, 70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AE

Tue - Fri: 11am to 6pm
Sat: Noon to 5pm

Sea monster
Modeled and rendered in MagicaCSG, post-processed in PhotoScape X (Pro).
Inspired by a Nikolas Ili concept.

A short video impression of my sea monster 3D scene in the MagicaCSG 3D editor.

See the previous post for the rendering.

Sea monster

Modeled and rendered in MagicaCSG, post-processed in PhotoScape X (Pro).
Inspired by a Nikolas Ili concept.

I bent a thing I have been thinking about for a bit today. I am calling it the "Scrappy Light Butter Stick" .

The plan is to encase it in CNCd Acrylic and mount a transformer inside of it. Good for the people who don't want to see a transformer :)

I think I could fine tune its measurements a little. so its a little more square.

The shapes the scraps make in the welds are kinda fun. A monochrome one would be fun- as would a different color for each face.

AX Awards Trophy Design & Branding by Rubio & del Amo

Un nouveau crochet, castor edition

Dartmouth, Devon. Sculpture of a fox on a wall. Photo: 27.10.2019.

Hin Mizushima stitches whimsical renditions of underwater creatures.

Started a new little modeling project in the trusty SDF editor MagicaCSG.

Feels good to be back after a short excursion to Nomad Sculpt on iPad, which was interesting and instructive, but also convinced me that SDF on desktop is my preferred way of modeling nowadays.

More updates will follow.

A-walking along the Water of Leith
I pause to rest in gentle shade:
A stone Greek lady greets me there
from her tiny temple in the glade:
While a snake slithers round by her side
hale Hygieia holds her cup up high
By Leiths sweet waters fresh life a-flows
as the lilting light upon her calm face glows

Shaman (1972)

"Karoo Ashevak (1940-1974) was an Inuit art sensation. In his brief career, he had solo exhibitions at major galleries in Toronto, Montreal and New York."

It's in a rather poor state of repair, with the main sundial on the top missing, and most of the subsiduary gnomons either missing or broken, but it's still a rather interesting example of a Scottish sundial, of which there are surprsingly many.

Dating from the mid-1800s (making it older than the university buildings themselves), it's thought to have been made by William Thomson, better known as Lord Kelvin, or his father James Thomson. It was originally sited in the garden of Torridon House in Bearsden and was bequeathed to the university in 1964.


The Kelvin Sundial in front of the main building of Glasgow University. It consists of a stone globe which originally had multiple gnomons (the bit that casts the shadow) and dials, which appear to tell the concurrent time in different parts of the world. It also features a quote in Latin which translates as "I only count the bright hours".


From the ar(t)chive
"Dee", made in 2005 for a personal toy character design project.

From the ar(t)chive

"Dee", made in 2005 for a personal toy character design project.

Sibirica / 2024
Water sculpture by William Pye

Another image from the recent walk around 'The Sculptures by the Lakes', near Dorchester, Dorset.

John Pai is known for his meticulous and detailed metal sculptures, which weld thin strips in lattices and sheets to create delicate woven textures.

Bonne nuit

Scottish guardians

Basswood, 4x1x1"

Finished my first little Nomad Sculpt project.

My conclusions

1. Nomad Sculpt is a great, very complete sculpting app for iPad users. Recommended.

2. I've become so spoiled by the flexibility of SDF modeling, particularly in , that polygon sculpting feels like a step back, although it is still necessary for high-detail sculpting.

Les nouvelles propositions de stages pour cette anne sont en ligne ! Vous pouvez les retrouver sur la newsletter de septembre , ou avec plus de dtails sur mon site . Au plaisir de vous accueillir, l'atelier de Moissac-Bellevue ou ailleurs !

La vie de lartiste Sylvia Daoust (1902-2004), la premire femme pratiquer professionnellement la sculpture au Qubec. Parmi ses uvres : les monuments publics de Marie-Victorin (Jardin botanique de Montral), ddouard Montpetit (campus de lUniversit de Montral), et de Nicolas Viel (difice du Parlement Qubec)

I love these sculpted boat prows carrying symbols from Glasgow's Coat of Arms which are above the side doors of the Edwardian Baroque Kelvingrove Art Gallery in the West End of Glasgow.

Escultura gtica en piedra de un obispo del siglo XIV.

Procedencia de San pedro de la Ra de Estella.
Hoy, en el Museo de Navarra

in der Kleingartenanlage, Am Segen 7, 44225 . Heute noch mal von 12 bis 18 Uhr liebevoll gestaltete Kleingrten besuchen und die darin versteckte Kunst finden :-)

From the ar(t)chive
Toy modeling for a Dora the Explorer heart-shaped plant pot gadget, made in 2013 (final product shown).

Art In Motion