female Shinto spirit, Japanese, c.785-1194 AD

female Shinto spirit, Japanese, c.785-1194 AD


'Eurydice' by Joseph Edgar Boehm (1880)

I tweaked the algorithm a little bit. This is better.

In the works of Ant Hamlyn, thorny roses, toxic bluebells, and the carnivorous Venus flytrap at the height of life are suffocated beneath sheets of acrylic.

Bethnal Green Tube Shelter Disaster - Stairway to Heaven Memorial Trust
Civilian of 3 March 1943

Sculpture of a steam engine over the door of the North British Locomotive Company offices in the Springburn area of Glasgow. Many of the engines loaded on to ships by the Finnieston Crane featured in the previous post were built here having been pulled through the streets of the city.

Iran : sculpture protestataire

Nouvelle faon de protester en Iran : sculpter le visage dune femme, avec ses longs cheveux dtachs, sur un tronc darbre de la rue Shariati de Thran. Une uvre de lartiste Hossein Aali qui na pas t du got de tout le monde, le vgtal ayant fini par tre coup ras. Source Etemad Online via Lettres de Thran sur Twitter. #FemmeVieLibert #Iran #protestart #sculpture

In Search of Reason Monument in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

"Monument to the new generation"
by Anna Uddenberg ( )
Biennale, 2016

Some video of my friend Sarah Ema Friedland's Umbilical cord piece -or at least some of it. I helped out with the audio to neon blinky by using a CD4049 CMOS circuit to give three knobs of adjustability packaged into three, 3D printed sort of "guitar pedals" that turn sound amplitude into signals for the neon to blink to.

Her Cord light and should installation show opens tonight at Gallery MC in Manhattan.

Willard Wigan tells The Guardian about his process in making the world's tiniest handmade sculptures:

Renowned Louise Bourgeois is known for her sculptures, which she created as a tribute to her mother.

This National Gallery of shows us how to make wire sculptures inspired by Bourgeois' . The materials needed for the project include wire, tissue paper, Modge Podge, a foam brush, rubber bands, and newspaper.

Learn more:

De la plume au ciseau et du ciseau la plume: passionne dans son art, Camille Claudel (18641943) lest aussi dans sa vie, o elle a entretenu de longues correspondances. loccasion de lachat de six lettres de lartiste, le muse Camille Claudel de Nogent-sur-Seine approfondit dans sa nouvelle exposition, les liens entre luvre et lcrit.

By Kaye Menner at:

Moral statements

Des parents dlves de lcole Les Gogagnes, Notre-Dame-dAllenon (Maine-et-Loire), avaient install en fvrier 2024 ce joli bonhomme de paille en bord de route pour dire toute leur colre face la dcision de fermer lune des quatre classes la rentre suivante. Source: Courrier de l'Ouest .
#artephemere #protestart #agitprop #sculpture

Memorial sculpture of Grof Karolyi Sandor, Hungarian politician, by Alajos Strbl, in front of Apostles Tower, City Park, Budapest

Bethnal Green Tube Shelter Disaster - Stairway to Heaven Memorial Trust
Civilian of 3 March 1943

pink Guanyin statue by Art Park

Mighty Morphin Stanford Bunny!

Debate at Tomas Bus at the Andres Institute of Art
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Engineering Wonders: Dutch Artist Theo Jansen's 18-Meter Strandbeest in Action In this short video, Dutch artist Theo Jansen showcases his incredible creation, an 18-meter Strandbeest, gracefully traversing the sandy beaches of The Netherlands.

Im deeply interested in that brings outside inside. Early exposure to the incomparable Leaves of Southwell Minsters Chapter House () might explain the obsession. Long story short, thus inspired, heres my attempt to combine the two. I the way the thistle populates the doors contours. & I how the thistles radial stems accentuate the semi-circular arch.

I like houses that have been mended, expanded, et cetera, says artist Christopher Robin Nordstrm. That is what I want to highlight with my portraits the life of the houses, and how they decay and sometimes die.

art by Hsu Tung Han

Design Milk : Tree.ONE Branches Out to Take a Sculptural Approach to Cleaner Air

Prparation du CM de lundi

Differential erosion on a red sandstone mask on the Trustees Savings Bank in Springburn.

The lines across this scultpture are created by layers of different composition and hardness within the 270 million year old sandstone, which means they weather at different rates. In this case, the effect is quite striking.

L'exposition Alberto Giacometti (Institut Giacometti) ouvrira samedi 7 !

( 4) -, .

This is a detail from a sculpture called 'Mercury Fountain', by the American artist Alexander Calder. It was created for the Spanish Republican Pavilion at the 1937 Paris World's Fair, where it stood in front of Picasso's 'Guernica'. It now lives at the Fundaci Joan Mir, in Barcelona.
For centuries, the worlds primary source of mercury was the mine at Almadn, and this sculpture was conceived as a monument to the mine and its victims.

Fish eye fun

Beyond Extent dropped a nice video with Ivanna Liittschwager on her process for sculpting rock and wood for environments. I also recommend their other tutorials on environment sculpting.

A few more shots of the Cacodemon sculpt.

A few more shots is usually what it takes...

A new exhibition at the Roswell Museum in New Mexico honors the underrecognized legacy of self-taught wood carver Patrocio Barela.

"The first part of the structure, the Moongate, went together really easy in 30 minutes, so I then kept adding until it was time for me to leave.

"The things I create are really unstable and would do a fair bit of damage if they fell on anyone.

"I am also not a fan of these things left on beaches.

"In reality, the art I create is just the photograph, so I take pictures as I go and before leaving I dismantle."

L'exposition Dana Schutz (Muse d'Art Moderne de Paris) ouvrira vendredi 6 !

"ZEROS is a large-scale kinetic sculpture formed by nine massive inner tubes that move to a slow choreography. The artwork occupies a large part of the exhibition space, dwarfing visitors into constrained viewpoints and navigation patterns."

Artist's website:

La peinture, cest comme le chinois, a sapprend ! (Picasso)
Rflexion cite dans Dcouvrir et comprendre lart contemporain, p. 78

What do I do with my head
