Des tatouages de sculpture et darchitecture par Ruben Jordan Langsted
Sagenhaftes Bordesholm
Exhibition around the Bordesholm Lake about local legends
Ephemeral Bubble: Art Installation by Mad Architects
US college campuses can be such delightful places to explore.
Succoth Williams College Museum of Art
Sparrows and come to
The Doomstone in the crypt of Minster
A depiction of the mouth of Hell, as the damned souls enter.
I like the way this line of statues in Minster are all clutching their impressive swords & sceptres, save the bloke on the far right, who is quite happy with his book
'A marriage between a shark and a banana': This artist had one aim for his creation at Sculpture by the Sea
By Isabella Ross
The shark-banana sculpture simply doesn't make sense. But that's exactly what NSW artist Drew McDonald wanted to convey.
Thuh current mold is coming along. For this piece 1,2,3.....8,9 ..uh no 10 sperate molds big and small will be build
shipping included
Pumpkin carving is so much fun. Wish it were less messy though.
Glasgow coat of arms on the triumphal arches on John Street linking Glasgow City Chambers, built in 1888, and its later extensions.
Polyurethane-coated fabrics, which Ant Hamlyn hand-sews and then stuffs, shape a cartoonish view of our predilection to try to harness and preserve things of beauty.
Lanterna Magica
Four loose concrete piece come with the lamp. By placing a piece you play with the appearance of the lamp and the light and shadows that it produces.
At ThuhShop :thinkerguns:
Last week there was this exhibit at where they got those 's made with 's that feature the 12 Chinese animals, which are pretty cool. One thing I noticed is that most sculptures are named "(animal) King" or "Golden (animal)" but this one is called "Pig of love and peace" which is quite fitting.
'Bovengrondse spoorwegen' - het glanzende lijnenspel van deze stalen buizen creren een dynamisch aanzien 'Surface railway' - the glossy lines of these steel tubes create a dynamic appearance.
Norbert Kricke in Kueppersmuehle
'Las lechuzas no hacen nido'
Alberto Odriz plantea llevar el espacio pblico los huevos de la puesta de una lechuza a una escala mucho mayor que los originales pero realizados con la misma materia, el calcio. Los huevos plantean un dilogo con la obra icnica de Prada Poole de la edicin del 72: un elemento nmada, extrao e icnico en medio de la ciudad.
Les sculptures surralistes d'architecture faon griffonage de David Moreno sont tout simplement fascinantes ! Un mlange d'art et de rve architectural.
Les sculptures surralistes darchitecture faon griffonage de David Moreno
Wow! If you love , and particularly metal , watch this 7-min News Hour segment on an internationally acclaimed russian artist who is opposed to the russian war against (his mother is Ukrainian) and who now lives and creates his masterpieces, some war-related, in Bend, .
Hello Goosebumps, this is the Gski, PolandFrom thousands of plastic bags, nets, and hanks of yarn, Indonesian artist Mulyana illuminates the fragility of marine ecosystems.
Sculpture Showcase Fancy a little A story about thisLove these sculptures by George Frampton on J.J. Burnet's 1890s banking hall on Ingram Street in Glasgow, especially the crouching atlantes holding up either end of the pediment.
Quand vrakvintage et S'yl s'installent en festival
L'exposition Eugne Carrire (1849-1906) (Muse des Avelines) ouvrira demain !
Vite ! L'exposition Alberto Giacometti (Institut Giacometti) se terminera dimanche 3 novembre !
Design Milk : Joel Shapiros New Sculptures Radiate Joy and Defy Gravity
From the ar(t)chiveFrom the ar(t)chive
"The anti-virus lab," an illustration to accompany an article about virus research in the Dutch PC-Active magazine, in the first half of the 2000s.
Vite ! L'exposition La chair du monde (Muse de la chasse et de la nature) se terminera dimanche 3 novembre !
L'exposition Stone Speakers - Les bruits de la terre (Palais de Tokyo) ouvrira demain !
Dcouvrez une fascinante sculpture cintique de Sisyphe, un mlange hypnotique d'art et de mouvement perptuel !
Une magnifique sculpture cintique de Sisyphe vido
I loved this memorial in Minster - bit different from the more usual marble effigies!
Bonne nuit
Known for her disorienting, sometimes seductive sculptures, Genesis Belanger draws on advertising techniques to critique consumerism plaguing modern life.
It's estimated that, over the years, as many as 30,000 locomotives were transported through the city in this manner.
Killer rabbit (2018), technique mixte bois flott et rsine, sculpture de Catherine Clare.
La silhouette, dote de traits grotesques et exagrs, voque une crature hybride en plein mouvement. Ses membres semblent en dsquilibre, ce qui donne lensemble une impression de dynamisme et de vitalit. Les bras et les jambes, allongs de manire disproportionne, accentuent cette sensation dnergie contenue (catalogue Artsper). 
#sculpture #ArtNaif #lapin #CatherineClare #France
From the ar(t)chive