Dcouvrez une fascinante sculpture cintique de Sisyphe, un mlange hypnotique d'art et de mouvement perptuel !
Une magnifique sculpture cintique de Sisyphe vido
I loved this memorial in Minster - bit different from the more usual marble effigies!
Bonne nuit
Known for her disorienting, sometimes seductive sculptures, Genesis Belanger draws on advertising techniques to critique consumerism plaguing modern life.
It's estimated that, over the years, as many as 30,000 locomotives were transported through the city in this manner.
Killer rabbit (2018), technique mixte bois flott et rsine, sculpture de Catherine Clare.
La silhouette, dote de traits grotesques et exagrs, voque une crature hybride en plein mouvement. Ses membres semblent en dsquilibre, ce qui donne lensemble une impression de dynamisme et de vitalit. Les bras et les jambes, allongs de manire disproportionne, accentuent cette sensation dnergie contenue (catalogue Artsper). 
#sculpture #ArtNaif #lapin #CatherineClare #France
From the ar(t)chiveFrom the ar(t)chive
"Cute chick," minimalistic character design. Made in 2014 as an experiment to create a stylized character using NURBS / solids in the MoI 3D editor.
An acrylic painting of a black-haired woman with sculptures in a sculpting class in my Strathmore mixed media sketchbook
Another piece I put at the Chrysler Glass studio is this 2023 Xenon 9 Shade Handpulled Rainbow. I also whipped up a WeBlink transformer for it that can tune its arc by PWMing the transformer.
Viewers that connect to the pieces wifi network will be able to control the frequency and duty cycle of the transformer and "tame the arc" inside the doodle. I got to see some people interacting with it and it was fun seeing their reactions.
All the colors in this doodle I pulled with my friend Sean Bradley in 2023. A few of them have lots of silver in them. The xenon puts off a lot of UV which makes those silver colors glow in a really neat way. You cannot buy soft glass tubes in these colors, so I made em.
I made a Peertube video with some examples of its lightning being controlled with the web page. check it out to see its wiggly arc.
I stopped off at the Chrysler Museum of Art to see their new glass studio renovation. I worked there from 2015-2017 and when leaving, there was lots of exciting talk of their renovation.
My buddy Matt Jacob was curating a little neon show to coincide with their NEON festival that supports the Arts (or real estate) district. I was happy to contribute a few new pieces, and install them on a fresh new wall.
There is the Big Wiped French Orange Coil sitting atop the outlet, the Strawberry SpringSphere inside Warm White SpringSphere shining brightly atop a pedestal and my Fallible Luv Heart.
Oh and people can control the Fallible heart from their phones by logging into the pieces wifi network. It bumps them off their own data connections so I have their attention :)
These will be on display in Norfolk, VA for the next few months at least :). See them at the Museum Studio if your in town.
'Sup' thuh latest work emerged from the deep bottom of ThuhStudio.
Dimensions and weight:
Width: 41 cm / 16 1/8 Inches
Depth: 8 cm / 3 1/8 Inches
Height: 9.2 cm / 3 5/8 Inches
Weight: +/- 1.6 Kg / 3.5 lbs
ThuhShop :thinkerguns:
Chie Hitotsuyama roule du papier journal pour faire des sculptures incroyables
Des meubles avec des statues antiques
Un requin en platane, teint avec du brou de noix
Sculpture from the Harry Whitehorse International Wood Sculpture Festival in June on display in front of the local botanical gardens.
Some sculpting work-in-progress stages of my Halloween Handsome.
Sculpted in Blender Sculpt Mode.
More impressions can be found in other posts of this thread.
Halloween Handsome.
He'd love to visit your Halloween party and eat your visitors.
Sculpted in Blender Sculpt Mode, rendered with the Cycles renderer.
More impressions in other posts of this thread.
SculptureThis one I at least know is still with my sister. I made it for her birthday over a decade ago.
I went looking for a photo of an old woodburning/painting/pet portrait I did, and ended up finding a lot more old (circa 2008-ish) pics
Lots of memories. Some bittersweet, because I literally have none of these anymore.
I need to start making physical art pieces again.
Rock n'Pic, aussitt expos, aussitt adopt
'Silo' a light sculpture with a cathedral-like structure.
Dimensions and weight:
Width: 16.5 cm / 6 Inches
Depth: 7.2 cm / 2 Inches
Height: 24.5 cm / 9 5/8 Inches
Weight: +/- 3.3 Kg / 7.3 lbs
Free shipping :thinkerguns:
They Dont Make Them Like They Used To (2008), sculpture et impression numrique sur papier, par lartiste sud-africaine Mary Sibande.
Mary Sibande a explor la construction de lidentit dans la socit sud-africaine avec le personnage de Sophie, son alter ego, archtype de la domestique noire durant lapartheid, inspir de son histoire personnelle puisque plusieurs gnrations de femmes de sa famille ont t employes de maison (prsentation de lexposition La Ventriloque rouge au MAC Lyon, 2022).
Note : Sophie est un personnage fictif incarn dans une srie de sculptures taille humaine, moules directement sur le corps de Mary Sibande, quelle met en scne en situations de domesticit.
#sculpture #photographie #MarySibande #AfriqueDuSud #Afrique
Thank you for this day.
What you see depends upon your perspective.
The Forest (La fort), Jean Dubuffet (1969)
Another highlight of my recent sculpture park visit was this 40 foot hobby horse except its a giant goat and is made of concrete. And fire hoses.
Title: Scapegoat
Artist: Nari Ward
Location: Art Omi, Ghent, New York
Gillie and Marc art.
L'exposition Corps Invisibles (Muse Rodin) ouvrira demain !
From the ar(t)chiveFrom the ar(t)chive
"The Lost Ninja," a simple setup of some toy designs I made in 2013.
Quand la sculpture rencontre la photographie en capturant la grce des danseurs en mouvement ! Dcouvrez cet art fascinant !
Quand un sculpteur fait des photos de danseurs en mouvement
"Jeftas datter ofres (The Sacrifice of Jephthah's Daugther)" by Christopher Borch
Carved stone face on the door surround of the 15h century King's Manor,
Social Consciousness
A grand, sane, towering, seated Mother,
Chaird in the adamant of Time. *
Walt Whitman
* From "America"
About the sculpture (sculptor: Jacob Epstein, 1954):
Ricardo Bofill
Architecture 5, Prague, Czechia"Halloween Handsome" modeling is progressing nicely.
Calling it a quits for today. Going to watch The Substance now. Very curious!