Ceramic sculpture by Japanese artist Yamaguchi

Ceramic sculpture by Japanese artist Yamaguchi Mio, 2020s, whose work incorporates countless folds representative of unexpressed and hidden emotions.

'Goddelijk' - de dieptewerking door het contrast van dit kunstwerk is vanuit elke positie bijzonder 'Divine' - the depth effect through contrast of this artwork is extraordinary from any position.
Levi van Veluw in SingerLaren

From the ar(t)chive
3D illustration for a mid-2000s article in the Dutch PC-Active magazine, about the introduction of two-factor authentication.

From the ar(t)chive

3D illustration for a mid-2000s article in the Dutch PC-Active magazine, about the introduction of two-factor authentication.

I guess I should have put a photo with this.

Le fabuleux bureau compartiments secrets du roi Charles-Albert

glise Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Tugen de Brasparts

SOMEbody got into the clay.

SOMEbody got into the clay.

Taken this day, 2021, Big Head

Large sculpture of a Roman Legionary's head, on the Antonine Wall, still keeping watch at the borders of the Empire two millennia on...

Wystawa rzeb ze zomu w jednym z centrw handlowych. Myj zbki, a bdziesz pikny jak Xenomorph :)

Showcasing sculpture from around the world. Revisited my melon bug in Blender's Cycles, adding some textures, more balanced lighting and of course sub-surface scattering in the melon slice.
See a different post for the previous rendering, in MagicaCSG.

Revisited my melon bug in Blender's Cycles, adding some textures, more balanced lighting and of course sub-surface scattering in the melon slice.

Previous rendering in MagicaCSG here:

HYBYCOZO: Sculpture artists making large geometric forms with cutouts

Exported the melon bug scene from MagicaCSG to Blender, using the Stanford PLY 3D file format, which includes vertex colors.

Here's a quick first Cycles renderer lighting test, using all-white matt materials.

More will follow. See other posts in this thread for more impressions.

Love this foliate green man style mask topping a Roman arch on the 1870s Westbourne House in the Hyndland area of Glasgow.

From the ar(t)chive

3D illustration for a mid-2000s article in the Dutch PC-Active magazine, about the decline of the Internet Explorer browser.

My work is like a diary, like a poem, says Fumiya Watanabe, who translates his daily experiences into tender wooden sculptures.

Un bb cerf

A short video impression of the melon bug 3D scene.

More impressions can be viewed in the other posts of this thread.

Some work-in-progress stages of the satisfied bug scene.
A larger final rendering can be found in a separate post.
Modeled and rendered in MagicaCSG, post-processed in PhotoScape X (Pro).
Inspired by a Riki Fuhrmann sketch.

Some work-in-progress stages of the satisfied bug scene.

Larger final rendering here:


Modeled and rendered in MagicaCSG, post-processed in PhotoScape X (Pro).
Inspired by a Riki Fuhrmann sketch.

Incredibly, these vessels by Jacques Monneraud are made of clay.

Design Milk : Take 5: Geometric Ceramics, Blow-Up Installations, Black-Lit Rooms + More

Stone is like DNA that remembers the entire history of a place, says artist Ramon Todo. See more of his works bisected with glass today on Colossal.

I love the kiss-curl on this corbel head on Saint Mary's Episcopal Cathedral on Great Western Road in Glasgow.

Melon slice 3D modeling update

Oh no, it's a melon bug!

To be continued Check other posts in this thread for more work-in-progress impressions.

L'exposition Au cur de la couleur (Muse des arts asiatiques - Guimet) ouvrira demain !

A glass "racket" I made for Mark in the MIT glass band. I was going for Bari Racket and I sure achieved it- 15mm glass at about 8 feet of tubing coiled up.

Next I wanna make a tenor racket- maybe 10mm and 5 feet of tubing. A reed or mouthpiece is attached with some rubber tubing and fingers can play the finger holes. It's a neat instrument.

I am learning to be a glass luthier :)

A little clip of our opening night "finale" after the MIT glass band played their horns. I bent "charms" for each of the class's instructors and got them done in half a day- in time for the opening night demo. 5 classes and neon red light with a high voltage animator- so naturally we went with a pentagram. A glassy high voltage pentagram of knowledge!

Also, the wifi is now "better" on campus thanks to some fiber ran into the woods. A few months ago I set up a Nextcloud server running at home that my photos back up to from my phone. I just realized that I can upload videos from Pilchuck to Mastodon straight from my home server! No need to clog the limited Pilchuck bandwidth

Gorgeous stone sculptures by Jon Foreman in

This is one of my favorite things about masons and architecture of this type. Heres a great post about gargoyles and grotesques (including the Scottish Aliens inspired one):

Morning tooters, its finally raining outside . That good soaking but not heavy rain, I love it. Not much on today, doctors this morning to grab a script & drop into my optometrist to get my glasses adjusted.
Im sharing 2 more photos I took yesterday of some sculptures along the track I walked. The moth one is Myee, a Bogong Moth spirit, its always difficult to photograph well as the face is so dark & I only have my phone but its a favourite of mine. The other favourite is an Eagle & looks wonderful when framed against the sky.
Enjoy your day whether you have sunshine or rain like me.

Beschouwing HIER, expositie werken van Ton Broekhuis, Sigrid Hamelink, Mathilde Hemmes en Christiaan Kuitwaard bij Wonderkamers in Nijeholtwolde. Te zien tot en met 23 juni.

Hier, j'ai visit le Muse des Beaux-Arts o, avec des amis, j'ai dcouvert une exposition extravagante intitule Vice, vertu, dsir, folie - Trois sicles de chefs-duvre flamands . En sortant, j'ai vu une sculpture animalire tonnante devant une vaste demeure bourgeoise, rue Sherbrooke.

Melon slice 3D modeling update

Wait, what's that

Started a new MagicaCSG SDF 3D modeling project

I guess it's easy to see what it's going to be.

More updates will follow in this thread.

Dodged the rain for a great day out at Yorkshire Sculpture Park yesterday

Record and Discuss your Dreams