Appartements, Rolex, le train de vie

Appartements, Rolex, le train de vie du sculpteur Richard Orlinski pingl par le fisc

Alors quil est lobjet dune enqute judiciaire pour fraude fiscale, lartiste tente dchapper deux redressements fiscaux pour un total dpassant un demi-million deuros. Il vient de perdre un recours devant le Conseil dtat.

Relief sculpture on the front of the former Southern District Fire Station on Wallace Street in Glasgow. This building was designed by A.B. MacDonald and was built in the 1910s.

Jeudi 2 novembre prochain Paris aura lieu une confrence sur l'ouverture du tombeau des ducs de Bretagne, Franois II et Marguerite de Foix. Aujourd'hui prsent dans la cathdrale de Nantes, le tombeau est en cours de restauration. La confrence prsentera les procds et tapes de cette prochaine ouverture. Cela s'annonce passionnant !

A ghoul, completed in time for Halloween.
Inspired by 2D artwork by Tooth Wu.
Work-In-Progress images and info can be found in my Ko-fi:

My sculptures are perfect for the easily-bored art enthusiast because these pieces can often be repositioned for a fresh new look. I should know because I switch up their positions all the time in my own house .

A ghoul, completed in time for Halloween.

Inspired by 2D artwork by Tooth Wu.

Work-In-Progress images and info can be found in my Ko-fi:

You can't beat a bit of Bully!
(For those of you who remember the phrase! )

The iconic giant bull from the 2022 Commonwealth Games, now on permanent display at Birmingham New Street station.


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by PinoFalcone and Art by Artist: in Loc.: Italy - Title: "The Travellers"-

J'aime beaucoup le concept et la dmarche de cet artiste qui met en volume des sujets de gravures mdiavales et effectue un travail de documentation dans le but de rendre son interprtation la plus fidle possible l'original.

a favourite from number 22 titled Colony.

Big Hypnosis by Erwin Wurm

Made My Much Needed Website Finally

This Website Documents all forms of my Work from last 10 years

If you find this !! Lemme know what you think

Antonio Canova - Le tre grazie.

claim that 's Buchanan House (purpose built in the 1960s as British Scottish Region HQ) is 'structurally damaged' and want to replace it with a 21 storey block of flats. It's on the site of the former Buchanan Street , and features a distinctive rail inspired , "Locomotion", which is C listed- which I hope won't be damaged

DesignBoom : danica o. kus captures antony gormleys crawling, crouching sculptures at muse rodin .kus

Meryl Streep and Don Gummer Living Separately for Approximately Six Years: Report: Meryl Streep and Don Gummer have reportedly been living separately for six years, raising questions about their marriage. Streep was previously in a relationship with John Cazale.

sculpture, Olmec, c.1000 BC-600 BC

Garden at Muse Rodin.

Lart comme thrapie. Sculpter, peindre, dessiner, pour se librer et pour se soigner aussi. Depuis mi-octobre au Fort Barraux, des artistes blesss psychiquement par la guerre, exposent leurs uvres.

I made a couple of bowl / sculptures from resin and some interesting fabrics and alcohol inks. What do you think

ok, so I didn't add the photos in my original post... newbie error!

Bird, Fish, Bell, Tree: the symbols from the Glasgow coat of arms on the gate posts of Bellahouston Park.

On commence par une patoune

Eve in the the Garden of Eden. Sculptured by Scipione Tadolini around 1880, this statue looks very much at home amongst the tropical plants of the Kibble Palace glass house in Glasgow's Botanic Gardens. However, it was only moved here from the nearby Kelvingrove Art Gallery in the 1930s.

Incised window decoration on number two La Belle Place in the Kelvingrove area of Glasgow. The Winged Bell and the intertwined letters D and B are most likely a reference to the merchant David Bell of Blackhall for whom this building was constructed.

Rodin sculpture, extreme close-up, at the Burrell Collection, Glasgow.

Bonjour les mastonautes !
Je relaie une question Discord pour les expert.e.s du bois et de la peinture. Qu'utilisez-vous pour protger vos uvres
Je me permets de vous dranger sur la question
Merci et que votre journe soit remplie de jolis copeaux !
(Le RT peut faire du bien et sauver une girafe en bois)

Here is a little video of that crackle tube so you can see the lightning.

After 10 years of neon, this is my first crackle tube. Made exclusively with the crossfire and bombarded. Cheap O side tubulation.

I think I might make another. I wanna make a ruby red one.... I also want different gases. Other colors of glass might be nice.

What should be written in neon lightning

After hours of "bombarding" off an on with the aging transformer, holding it over a big puffy flame an a few flushes of gas, the crackle tube fill finally cleaned up!

The lightning arcs tighten up and get more active as the gas pressure increases. Too much pressure and it will run hot with resistance. This one is 24 torr (755 is atmosphere)

Ok I have crackle tube fever now. If I just wasn't so busy with other work now.

Thanks Bill Concannon!

My small participation in an article published in Live Science about the snake head discovery recently announced by INAH.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall Zhenguo Si, Pingyao, China. May 2016, iPhone 5s.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall Zhenguo Si, Pingyao, China. May 2016, iPhone 5s.

Moi, en discutant avec des amies : j'ai pas le temps de faire du crochet

Moi, en soire : si je sculpais d'autres crochets

Ma laine : ....

sculpture, Olmec, 1000 AD- 600 AD

::arnold voice::
Its not a tumah

the point of an antler

some sound art for

A nail scraped on antler with a gradual shift in focus from the whole antler to the points.

World's largest gnome is made of chrome. It's now found a new home, where roos and wombats roam

wooden carved statue of Muchaku by Unkei, Japanese, 1208 AD

Inflatable sculpture by American artist Ann Slavit, 1970s-80s, whose use of women's legs in her earliest work was a commentary on objectification of women's bodies in media.

textile bargain