A tiny capybara and his friend

A tiny capybara and his friend for

This looks pretty OK. The tweening could be a wee bit cleaner, but I like it!

"Un roman, mme une pope, il faudrait bien Homre pour la raconter. Je vis dans un monde si curieux, si trange..."
19 octobre 1943 disparat la sculptrice Camille Claudel

The figures in Calvin Mas otherworldly sculptures soar through the night sky, encounter swarms of insects, and stand among tropical flowers in 'Blend In: Standstill' on view now at Modern Eden.

Come In and Enjoy Art at the ArtisAnn Gallery in Belfast

You can even spread the cost over 10 months and take the art home today

ArtisAnn Gallery, 70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AE

Tue - Fri: 11am to 6pm
Sat: Noon to 5pm

One part of 'Thinking of Bella' by Shona Kinloch in the courtyard of the Italian Centre in central Glasgow.

Some behind the scenes install shots helping Deb Czeresko install the Queer de lier and mycelium/ rockpile and mushrooms for the group show Form and Formless. The opening is tonight, (actually riding the train there now), but the show is up till January.

Oh and a new window gallery show- double opening! Sita had some neat things going in there.

I like the scripting neon mycelium in Deb's piece. The flowy light was fun to make!

images of the Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno in Genoa, Italy

anthropomorphic axe, Olmec, 1000 BC-600 BC

OK, whats with the wierd stuff at the end

Pendentif noisette, chat chien et oiseau

LOL!!! The Ninja Bread Man

Venez nous retrouver au Carrousel Du Louvre ce week-end . Pierre-Yves Payet et moi vous accueillons sur le stand B75.
Vendredi 20/10 : 19h-22h (vernissage sur invitations uniquement)
Samedi 21/10 : 11h-20h
Dimanche 22/10 : 11h-19h

Si vous voulez des invitations pour le vernissage et/ou pour le week-end, contactez-moi .

A trs vite...

Fernando Botero

This is a funny one, trying to tween between two geodesic walks... basically I'm just literally using the vector difference between the two walks, then smearing it across the mesh using moving least squares. It works rather well...

Also adding some forces and simulating the curve as a cosserat rod to make it look more dynamic.

now there is a bug somewhere causing a crash. Damn mosquitoes!

Vite ! L'exposition Ron Mueck (Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain) se terminera dimanche 5 novembre !

Brian Mock transforms salvaged scrap metal and found objects into these spirited animal sculptures. See more today on Colossal.

Appel contributions : "Archaeology of Colour. The Production of Polychromy in Sculpture up to the 16th century". Une question trs intressante !

Les propositions sont attendues jusqu'au 15 dcembre 2023 le colloque se tiendra les 17-18 avril 2024 en ligne.

Since it's been sunnier in I managed to get a better photo of 's in for

Sculpture Showcase

Took this photo when I was in Chicago to give a lecture. I loved the juxtaposition of the bright structure against the dark sky. This is the raw photo.

Image CW: blood, tissue, as part of an art piece. This one is actually likely to be disturbing to many, and is not as "gently" disconcerting as some previous work

WIP in my studio

I asked 10 people close to me "what is a window"
I found this window in the building that used to be my studio, and it predates us living here by several years. I wanted to consider what a window actually is beyond the material:
What gets through a window beyond just light
How does the viewing of something through a window change the perception of the scene being viewed
If a window can two-dimensionalize a three-dimensional scene, how else could this portal alter the dimensionality of something
Consider the intrigue of the ways our minds use these portals to stop time: how a view out one specific window in a home or other familiar building might always elicit certain memories, emotions, perceptions.

I got some fascinating answers from friends as well, too diverse to get into here (for now).

And then I made this deeply personal. I had a significant bleed earlier, I guess I've been pushing too hard (not too surprising, my activity level has been pretty elevated) and that brought with it heightened emotions.

I collected some of the blood and added it to the piece, because not only is it an incredible source of energy, but because I want to exhibit the silver linings, because I want this window to shape my perception of this event and turn it into a piece of art that will glow and glitter and refract the light.
Where I get to choose what's on the other side.

I look forward to finishing this tomorrow (after some rest).

Even those with on their feet need to pause now and then, 'till the wind picks them up again.
Me I 'd over to a club tonight, and met some interesting folk, heard their thoughts on


Happy ! Here is a depicted in a I finished a couple years ago. This is a carved column about six feet high. Sawfish are a favorite motif of mine.

Todays comes with an added bonus - installation art using glass icicles.

Title: Thaw
Artist: Natalie Tyler
Location: Park Hill Orchard
Easthampton, MA

Pour les amateurs de vieux dessins satiriques sur le thme des modles vivants, thme qui fut notamment trs la mode la Belle poque, une nouvelle srie soffre vos yeux tout ce mois sur notre blog :

Le DFK (centre allemand d'Histoire de l'art) annonce la mise en ligne de la base de donnes sur les collections de l'Acadmie royale de peinture et de sculpture.

Le site permet de visualiser les morceaux de rception des artistes, les dons, les acquisitions par priode, par lieux de conservation et le lieu d'exposition originel. Une mine d'or !


Come In and Enjoy Art at the ArtisAnn Gallery in Belfast
You can even spread the cost over 10 months and take the art home today

ArtisAnn Gallery, 70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AE

Tue - Fri: 11am to 6pm
Sat: Noon to 5pm

New work in progress


See through creatures.

Inktober Day 16: Angel of Grief, an 1894 sculpture by William Wetmore Story for the grave of his wife Emelyn Story.

Inktober 2023

Something I'm working on. Any thoughts

Spooky scary skeletons

Troll of the Day: Birk.


Salon de tatouage pour chats

Design Milk : LDF23: The Second Iteration of Material Matters Steals the Show -friendly

Does anyone have a clue of which artist made this light of a stairway
It was (is) on display at some square in New York City in 2014.

(the person in it is me, and is not a part of the artwork)

Beautiful medieval limewood sculpture from the Hunt Museum in Limerick

L'exposition Antony Gormley (Muse Rodin) ouvrira demain !

Striking crash is making drive noticeably slower, says artist

British car number plate